LIFTS: Leveraging Inclusion and Friendship to Thrive after Stroke

Peer Program

LIFTS is a Calgary-based peer program for kids with stroke and their families. Program content and delivery is informed by children and families to design groups that meet the needs and desires of participants. There are two Groups, one for Kids and one for Parents.

The Kids Group meets on alternate months from the Parents Group. The Kids Group is an opportunity for children aged 6 to 12 years old who had a stroke to meet for a fun and age-appropriate activity in the community. Siblings aged 6+ are welcome. Activity locations are accessible and team members are available to support participation, including any language needs. There is no cost to attend, and parking/transit costs can be reimbursed. Meetings are usually on Saturday afternoons.

Youth Mentors who are 13+ years old and have had a stroke are encouraged to join the Kids Group. Details about becoming a youth mentor are below in the "Getting Involved" section. 

The Parent Group is an opportunity for parents and caregivers of children who had a perinatal or paediatric stroke to meet in a casual, comfortable, and confidential setting. Meetings may include topic-driven conversations, guest speakers, and/or informal chats. Peer parents/caregivers facilitate meetings. Meetings are usually on Zoom on a weekday evening. 

The LIFTS team can be reached at  

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Groups run on the school calendar and are now on summer break. There is no cost to attend any of these groups.

text that reads September 28 2024 Kids Group & Youth Mentors

Date: Saturday September 28

Time: 1:00-3:00pm

What: Private Tour at the Calgary Zoo

text that reads: October 2 2024 Parents Group

Date: Thursday Oct 3 

Time: 7:00-8:30pm 

Where: Virtual on Zoom

Getting Involved


Join the LIFTS Team

LIFTS is designed to be a family-led and community-based program. If you are interested in planning, organizing, facilitating, or contributing in any way to LIFTS, please get in touch at Your time will be compensated.


Join as a Youth Mentor

Youth mentorship opportunity flyer

Past Activities

Kids Group & Youth Mentors (In-Person):

Feb 2024 - Aliki's Art Studio Multi-Medium Collages

April 2024 - Inglewood Bird Sanctuary: Animal Adaptations

June 2024 - Bowness Park Outdoor Games & Scavenger Hunt


Parents Group (Virtual):

March 2024 - Getting to Know You

May 2024 - Youth Panel Presentation "What Does the Future Hold"