The CPSP Team

Dr. Adam Kirton
Professor of Pediatrics, Radiology, and Clinical Neurosciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Director, Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program
Pediatric Neurologist, Alberta Children's Hospital
Dr. Kirton is Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary and an attending Pediatric Neurologist at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. His research focuses on applying technologies including neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation to measure and modulate the response of the developing brain to early injury to generate new therapies. He is an externally funded clinician scientist and CIHR Foundation Grant Recipient. Dr. Kirton directs the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program, Alberta Perinatal Stroke Project, ACH Pediatric Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Laboratory and University of Calgary Noninvasive Neurostimulation Network (N3).

Dr. Aleksandra Mineyko
Pediatric Neurologist
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics and Clinical Neurosciences, Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary. Attending Pediatric Neurologist, Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Mineyko is interested in the use of biomarker technology to determine pathophysiology of pediatric neurological diseases such as perinatal stroke and pediatric vasculopathy. Rare neurological diseases are collectively common, yet often poorly understood in pediatric neurology. They account for enormous health care costs. They result in significant morbidity and family burden. True mechanisms of disease are the unifying target for both understanding pathophysiology and designing new treatments. Inflammation provides a tangible example applicable to all pediatric neurology subspecialties. Modern biomarker technologies provide remarkable opportunities to explore such mechanisms. Such analyses can be performed on minute volumes (100uL) of any body fluid providing immediate and great clinical research potential. We continue to grow collaborations with researchers in other major centers to determine the role of inflammation in neurological diseases of childhood. Major directions poised for growth include pediatric stroke, traumatic brain injury, pediatric demyelinating diseases, medically-refractory epilepsy, primary headache disorders, and applying this knowledge to trial new treatments in childhood neurological disorders.

Lanna Bryksa
Stroke Program Clinical Resource Nurse
Lanna is passionate about caring for the children and families that are seen through the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program Clinic at the Alberta Children's Hospital.

Dr. Mary Dunbar
Pediatric Neurologist
Dr. Dunbar is a pediatric neurologist with clinical training in pediatric stroke and neurocritical care at Alberta Children’s Hospital, and a Master of Science degree in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Calgary with research focused on perinatal stroke.

Alison Barnfather
Occupational Therapist
Alison is an Occupational Therapist in a research clinician role at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. Her responsibilities include identifying and implementing research outcomes into frontline clinical best practice. She currently supports perinatal and pediatric stroke patients through the LIFTS Peer Group research study for kids, teens and parents. She also provides intensive upper extremity therapy programs for kids experiencing hemiparesis and mentors frontline therapists in the use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to promote motor recovery. She is interested in maximizing occupational participation and social connection for children with disabilities and facilitating their ability to meet their identified goals. Alison has a BSc in Occupational Therapy and an MSc in Public Health (Health Promotion).
Research Staff

Dr. Helen Carlson
Pediatric Neuroimager
Assistant Professor (Research), Pediatrics, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.
Dr. Carlson is the lead for the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program Imaging Group. Helen is primarily interested in using advanced MRI neuroimaging techniques to examine brain neuroplasticity such as functional connectivity of brain networks (via resting state MRI), neuronal metabolism (via MR spectroscopy) and white matter structural connectivity (via diffusion imaging) in children with stroke. She is also interested in researching new MRI, electroencephalogram (EEG), near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), machine learning, and brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies to unlock the mysteries of neuroplastic compensation after early brain injury. The goal of this research is to examine pre/post treatment modulations in neural networks and to explore development of personalized treatment avenues for kids and families affected by stroke to improve lifelong motor and cognitive function.

Nicole Romanow
Program Manager
As the Program Manager for the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program and BCI4Kids, Nicole directs the operations of the research program and manages the group’s many local, national, and international collaborations. She came to the program because she wanted to be part of the direct connection between research and the impact on children and families, bringing her experience in designing, implementing, and executing projects and leading multi-disciplinary teams. Nicole has an MSc in Community Health Sciences and is a certified Project Management Professional. When she isn’t overseeing program activities, she is usually mountain biking in the summer or skiing in the winter.

Amalia Floer
Research Coordinator & Clinical Recruiter
Amalia is the primary clinical recruiter for our research studies and is the main liaison between families involved in research and the pediatric stroke outpatient clinic. She is interested in perinatal stroke research, maximizing quality of life after perinatal stroke as well as family and children's outcomes. How these children function in their daily lives and how we can help them achieve their best given their disabilities is a major focus of her research.

Meghan Maiani
PhD Candidate
Meghan completed a Bachelor of Sciences in Occupational Therapy (BScOT) from the University of Alberta. Meghan is a registered occupational therapist and practices clinically in the area of neuro-rehabilitation. Meghan's research is focused on identifying the structural connectivity of the visual system in children with perinatal stroke, and how this correlates to functional vision in everyday life. Her research utilizes various brain imaging modalities. The primary goal is to map these developmental pathways, with secondary goals to develop diagnostic or treatment tools.

Anna Bourgeois
MSc. Neuroscience Student
Anna earned her BSc. in Exercise and Health Physiology (Kinesiology) from the University of Calgary and is currently pursuing a MSc. in Neuroscience. She has a background in high performance sport and is passionate about developing and improving the enjoyment and access to rehabilitation technology and para-sport programming for individuals with disabilities. Her research is centered around patient-input, aiming to design a more engaging therapy for children and teens with perinatal stroke. She is focused on adapting brain-computer interface (BCI) technology to integrate with functional electrical stimulation and social media, aiming to leverage brain plasticity for enhancing functional gains translating into more independence for children with physical disabilities.
CPSP Alumni List
We have been very fortunate to have worked with many researchers and clinicians in the past and wish them well in their current endeavours:
Abdullah Azeem, B.Sc. | Erica Floreani, MASc. | Megan Holland, MD |
Adrianna Giuffre, B.A., Ph.D. | Felix Wei, B.Sc. | Megan Metzler |
Alicia Hilderley, Ph.D. | Hely Shah, B.Sc. | Melody Grohs, Ph.D. |
Andrea Kuczynski, Ph.D. | Jack Zixuan Zhang, B.Sc. | Omar Damji, M.Sc., MD |
Angela Coombs, B.Sc. | Jacinda Larson, Ph.D. | Patrick Ciechanski, Ph.D. |
Archana Vijay, B.Sc. | Jacquie Hodge, M.Sc. | Pauline Dejesus, M.Sc. |
Asha Hollis, M.Sc. | James Wrightson, Ph.D. | Paulina Hart |
Brandon Craig, MD, Ph.D. | Jamie Roe, M.Sc. | Ratika Srivastava, MD |
Bryce Geeraert, B.Sc., Ph.D. | Jeff Grab, MD | Regan King, M.Sc. |
Charissa Lam, B.Sc. | Jenny Saunders, M.Sc. | Sabrina Yu, B.Sc. |
Cherie Kuo, PT, Ph.D. | Jessica Denys, B.Sc. | Sarah Mah, DDS |
Cole Sugden, B.Sc. | Jing Hu, B.Sc. | Sasha Letourneau, B.Sc. |
Colleen Curtis, MD | Joanna Keough, MD | Sidharth Shinde, MD |
Cynthia Kahl, Ph.D. | Kara Murias, MD, Ph.D.. | Sonia Rothenmund, RN |
Damon Li, B.Sc. | Kayla Baker, M.Sc. | Tara Shannon, B.Eng. |
David Czank, RN | Kenneth Myers, MD | Taryn Bemister, Ph.D. |
Derek Eng, B.Sc.. | Lucia Capano, MD | Thiline Rajapakse, MD |
Edit Goia, MD | Lauran Cole, M.Sc. | Trevor Seeger, M.Sc. |
Elizabeth Williams, B.Sc. | Madison Riddell, B.Sc. | Zeanna Jadavji, Ph.D. |
Ephrem Zewdie, MD, Ph.D. | Mary McNeil |