Global Health Electives and Experiences

Undergraduate Medical Education

  1. Clerkship Global Health Elective

    The Indigenous, Local and Global Health Office will seek to arrange a U of C preceptor or host preceptor with a global partnering institution and organize groups of 5 students to do the elective together. We will also seek to have you linked with local medical students at the host site.

  2. Global Health

    Structured global health opportunities are available for UME students during clerkship. Students will be informed of these global health opportunities and the application process during their clerkship elective orientation. 

Postgraduate Medical Education

  1. PGME

    All electives outside of Canada are ultimately approved by the PGME office.  Please discuss your proposal for an international elective with your program director and the PGME office directly as early as possible. The PGME office will provide you with the checklist of all tasks and documentation required prior to departure.

    If you plan to travel to a LOW or LOW-MIDDLE income country for your elective, you will be required to attend the Indigenous Local Global Health (ILGH) office for extended pre-departure preparation. Please contact the Global Health office at 

    The World Bank updates the list of countries considered LOW or LOW-MIDDLE income each year on July 1. Please click here to see the current list of countries requiring extended pre-departure preparations through the global health office at