Tom Feasby Graduate Award in Global Health

We are pleased to provide the Terms of Reference, and Application Form, for the Tom Feasby Graduate Award in Global Health.  This award is open to candidates accepted into PhD graduate programs in the Cumming School of Medicine.  Candidates must be citizens of low or middle-income countries.  Preference will be given to applicants from countries in which the Cumming School of Medicine has ongoing involvement (e.g. Ethiopia, Guyana, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, Philippines, Tanzania and Uganda).  Successful applicants must be conducting research related to Global Health. 

The focus of this award is to train potential leaders from low or middle-income countries who make a commitment to return to their home institutions to improve the education, research and teaching capacity of that institution. 

Successful students from Tanzania and Uganda who have already been funded by this award are: 

  • Eveline Konje, Community Health Sciences
  • Elias Charles Nyanza, Community Health Sciences
  • Eleanor Turyakira, Community Health Sciences
  • Peter Rambau, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
  • Jeremiah Seni, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

These PhD graduate students are part of a Co-tutelle program that provides them with degrees both from the University of Calgary and their home institutions.  They spend part of their time at the University of Calgary and the remainder at their home institutions.

Mr. Elias Charles Nyanza, one of our Feasby scholars, has been featured in a recent article Recognizing Impact, detailing his work as a PhD student in the Community Health Sciences program.  Elias also received a prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship in 2015 to continue his research in mining and health in artisanal and small scale gold mining communities in Tanzania. 

Dr. Deborah Dewey is Global Health’s Special Advisor for the Tom Feasby Graduate Award and Edna Nikoi is the Coordinator.  They provide a welcoming base for these students as they adjust to the climate, culture and life as a graduate student at the University of Calgary. 

Sincere thanks to the family, friends and colleagues of Tom Feasby who generously donated to this funding initiative.  To be sustainable this fund needs further donations.  Anyone interested in donating is asked to contact the office of Fund Development at the Cumming School of Medicine -

For more information or questions: Contact the Global Health Coordinator at