University of Calgary Multiple Sclerosis Fellowships
The University of Calgary Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Program offers one-year and two-year fellowships to Canadian and Internationally trained neurologists.
The program will be individualized to suit the career goals of the fellow but will include clinical work, participation in weekly MS Rounds and clinical case conferences (1 hour/ week), weekly MS Fellow rounds (2 hours/ week), quarterly MS Clinic management meetings (2 hours/ quarter), and weekly Department of Clinical Neurosciences Grand Rounds (2 hours/ week). Fellows will also participate in the review and update of both patient education materials and clinical pathways (for example, review of DMT monitoring procedures) as this skill is considered part of their development as an MS sub-specialist. There is no weekend or on-call requirement.
The one-year program is otherwise primarily clinical (60-70%) but completion of a project for up to 20% of the time is encouraged. Alternatives to projects could include training to participate in clinical trials, including leading a clinical trial site. Clinical work includes participation in outpatient clinics and seeing inpatients with MS, CNS demyelinating diseases, and other suspected neuro-immunological conditions.
Two-year fellowships will have a major research focus, approximately 70% research for the 2-year period. Research could be lab-based or clinical.
Fellows will gain clinical experience in the MS Clinic which operates at 2 sites, Foothills Medical Centre and South Health Campus, as well as the Neuroimmunology Clinic (NIC) located at South Health Campus. There are approximately 5,000 people with MS and related demyelinating diseases (NMOSD, MOG, etc.) who are cared for in the MS Clinic. The NIC manages people with other CNS immune diseases including neuro-sarcoidosis, Bechet’s Disease, autoimmune encephalitis, and many very uncommon disorders.
The Calgary Clinics are multi-disciplinary. The MS Program consists of physicians, nurses, rehabilitation and mental health specialists. Between the MS clinic and NIC, there are more than 12 neurologists, 2 neuropsychiatrists, a physiatrist, a nurse practitioner, 9 nurses, and a team of rehabilitation and counseling specialists.
Research expertise spans basic science, neuroimaging, clinical trials, and epidemiology. Other opportunities, such as health services, health economics and health policy could be facilitated by partnering with other researchers at the University of Calgary.
There may be part-time concurrent opportunities for a small component of time to be spent doing general neurology locum work for fellows who obtain practice permits to practice as neurologists in Alberta.
Fellows must have the appropriate credentials to obtain an Educational Licence and be placed on the “Provisional Register Postgraduate Trainee” from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) (https://cpsa.ca/physicians/registration/apply-for-postgraduate-training-in-alberta/) and will be registered through the PGME office in the University of Calgary as a Postgraduate Fellow (https://cumming.ucalgary.ca/pgme/future-trainees). Note that you must have all your credentials source verified which the CPSA does via Physician Credentials Registry of Canada.
The Fellow must be able to communicate effectively in written and spoken English. The University of Calgary post-graduate medical education (PGME) office and the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSA) require proof that applicants who trained in a language other than English, meet the English language proficiency requirements of the CPSA.
International medical graduates who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents also require a Canadian work permit while they are employed as fellows. The PGME office and the University of Calgary will work with the Fellow, the MS Program and the Department of Clinical Neurosciences to get the paperwork in place.
The above items take a minimum of 10 months for international applicants and 6 months for domestic applicants, and all must be done prior to coming to Calgary to begin the fellowship.
Funding for fellowship positions is limited.
- Canadian trained residents/neurologists are eligible to apply for funding from the Canadian Network of MS clinics. https://cnmsc.ca/MSFellowship
- We sometimes have funding for fellows who will focus 30-40% of their time on contributions to existing research programs while they learn specific clinical research skills. For example, to participate in clinical trials and learn to be a clinical trial site.
- There are also funding opportunities for fellowships focussed on research when applicants are highly qualified to complete projects and are aiming for an academic career. MS Society of Canada postdoctoral fellowship awards.
- MSIF's McDonald Fellowships may be possible https://www.msif.org/research/awards-grants-and-fellowships/mcdonald-fellowships/
- Sponsored fellowships where salary funding is provided by the sponsoring country is considered.
- Self-funded fellowships are not permitted.
Please direct inquiries to:
Telesa Gaskell
Administrative Assistant & Project Coordinator – MS Program
Tel: 403-944-4241