TRIC-SVD is a clinical trial based in Alberta, Canada to evaluate remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) – non-invasive therapy with the goal of protecting organs such as the brain from injury – in patients ≥18 years of age with cerebral small vessel disease or acute ischemic stroke.
A cycle of RIC involves placing a blood pressure cuff onto a limb (arm and/or leg) which will tighten for 5 minutes and then loosen for 5 minutes. This will repeat for 4-5 cycles.
In Calgary, participants with cerebral small vessel disease will be given an RIC device (pictured in Resources) to bring home to use once per day for 60 days.
In Edmonton, participants experiencing an acute ischemic stroke will be given RIC therapy while being transported by the mobile stroke unit to the nearest hospital.
For additional information, please see clinicaltrials.gov.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Aravind Ganesh: aganesh@ucalgary.ca