Doing well, and getting better, rely on understanding where we are at, where we are going, and the best way to get there. Improvement science provides tools to help us understand and prepare for the journey ahead, while the art of improving is about putting those tools to the best use, and involving the right people to help guide our way. Planning and evaluating is how we know if we are on course, improving is how we course correct if we are off target.

Quality Capability Building / Training
Neuro Base - All Staff
Everyone contributes to quality. Recognizing if and when something is a problem, and connecting with the right people to address it.
Intro to Quality and Improvement Science: (Scroll Down / YouTube 15 mins)
Start Strong: Understanding and Taking Control of Change (MyLearningLink (MLL): 15mins)
Neuro Plus - Leaders, Educators
Leaders for quality. Working with Base to investigate the how and why, use basic improvement science to improve.
Level Up: Manager’s Guide to Becoming a Change Leader (MLL: 30mins)
Neuro Expert - Quality Council
Advisors and consultants for quality. Expertise for quality planning, improvement and measurement.
Everybody’s Business: Quality Management at an Organizational Level 60 mins)
Achievement Unlocked! Quality Management Systems: Building the Conditions (YouTube: 2 hrs)
Quality Resources
Quality can sometimes be hard to define. Simply, quality can be thought of as the right product or service, for the right person, at the right time. Improving quality requires a systematic and measured approach – artfully using improvement science is critical to achieve quality goals.

The Quill Volume 2, Issue 1

The Quill Volume 1, Issue 3

The Quill Volume 1, Issue 2