What to expect

At your first appointment you will meet with a neurologist in order to discuss your recent neurological symptoms.  Sometimes you will meet with a resident (training physician) prior to seeing the neurologist. The appointment is scheduled for 60 minutes.

Usually the clinic nurse will bring you into the room first to take your blood pressure and review your medications.  Next, the doctor will do a health history, and perform a neurological exam. If any additional tests are needed to help the neurologist make a plan for your care, they will discuss the options with you at this appointment. Bring a list of all your questions. Some things you may want to think about include:

Preparing for your appointment

Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment.

Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over any points you want to spend more time on. Your doctor may ask:

  • What is your main symptom or medical concern?
  • How long have you had it?
  • How often and when does it occur?
  • What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptom or condition — for example, activity, food, position, stress?
  • What, if anything, appears to improve your symptom or condition — for example, medication, increasing activity?
  • Is it associated with other symptoms?
  • Have other people in your family experienced similar health problems?
  • Has this problem been addressed by another physician or medical facility? If yes, please try to bring these medical records.

What to bring

  • A list of your current medications. Remember, vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter medications also should be included, as well as prescription medication.
  • Imaging reports from other hospitals, such as CTs or MRIs, if you have them. If you have had imaging done in Calgary, we will be able to look them up.
  • The contact information of your family doctor or any specialists you are currently seeing or have seen. Your care is better if we can work as a team with you and your family doctor, so it’s important we can contact them. 
  • The name, phone number and address of your pharmacy. 
  • Your Alberta Health Care card, and a piece of photo-identification (like a driver’s license)
  • A family member or close friend – sometimes it’s helpful to have someone else to provide you support.
  • Glasses, hearing aids or mobility devices if you normally need / use them.