Cumming School of Medicine Medical Trainee Fund
Registered trainees within CSM may be eligible for support to reimburse/cover costs for structured global health programs and electives. Criteria and award value vary by learner level and are subject to change annually.
1. Post Graduate Medical Electives:
- Post graduate medical education (PGME) trainees undertaking approved clinical electives of 4 weeks or longer in a low or low middle income country are eligible to apply through the global health office. Once your elective is approved through your program director and UME office, please contact for next application steps.
2. BHSc/CRDS Summer Field School Participants:
- Costs for full-time, registered students in the CSM Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) and Community Disability and Rehabilitation Studies (CDRS) programs who participate in structured field schools at partner institutions may be eligible for support from the Medical Trainee Fund. Information will be provided regarding this support at orientation sessions and during the application process.
3. Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Electives:
- The Medical Trainee Fund provides direct support to offset costs for UME clerkship students participating in structured global health electives. Information will be provided regarding this support at orientation sessions and during the application process.
Please contact for further information regarding Medical Trainee Fund support for global health experiences.