QuICR Registry
Why do we need a Clinical Registry?
Measuring our performance is the only way to ensure excellence. We need data to measure and improve acute stroke care. Quality improvement and clinical research trials need key clinical and outcome variables. QuICR has designed and built a modern comprehensive clinical registry imaging registry for acute stroke care.
What is the Clinical Registry?
The QuICR Registry aims to collect a minimal dataset for all stroke patients treated with alteplase (tPA and TNK) and/or endovascular treatment that occurred in the community and in-hospital. It is designed to be user friendly and includes features intended to minimize the impact on front-line staff.
Orientation Presentation - Presentation for users new to the QuICR Registry
Cheatsheet - Basic flow chart covering the data entry process for the QuICR Registry
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and User Guide - Document that describes the steps necessary to successfully enter stroke data for the QuICR Registry (PDF)
Worksheet - Worksheet users can print off to assist with data collection
Modified Rankin Scale - Step-by-step document on obtaining an mRS
Barthel Index - Step-by-step document on obtaining a BI
QuICR Registry Tutorial Videos
Part 1: Navigating to and Enabling Authentication
Part 2: Adding a New Patient
Part 3: Adding a New Stroke
Part 4: Adding a New Treatment
Assessing 90-day Stroke Outcomes - Dr. Michael D. Hill
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I access the QuICR Registry?
To access the QuICR Registry, please open any modern web browser and navigate to https://quicr.cru.ucalgary.ca/account/login/.
What are the benefits of using the QuICR Registry?
- Contributing to valid, accurate, reliable, and precise stroke data that can be used to improve stroke care at your site and in Alberta.
- Ability to export your sites stroke data for analysis purposes to an excel file.
- Ability to print a 72-Hour Acute Stroke Report.
- Dedicated troubleshooting support.
Why do we need to log in using Two-Factor Authentication?
Not all hospitals in Alberta are within the AHS network. Because we are dealing with patient information, privacy considerations demand that we have adequate e-security for accessing the database.
I am unclear or I do not completely understand what a specific term means. Where can I find the definition so I can correctly enter the data?
While entering data, if you do not know what a term means hover over the term and the definition will appear. For a complete list of definitions, please see Appendix A of the QuICR Registry Standard Operating Procedures document. If you are still unclear about the term or if you do not know what to enter, please contact QuICR.
Where can I find additional resources for the QuICR Registry?
To find additional resources for the QuICR Registry, please hover over “Registry” and select “Resources”. You will be directed to the QuICR Registry Resources page. Here you will find the most recent versions of all supporting resources.
Where can I voice concerns, report bugs, and ask questions?
For feedback and technical support please contact QuICR by emailing quicr@ucalgary.ca. For clinical questions and concerns please contact Noreen Kamal (QuICR Program Manager) by emailing nrkamal@ucalgary.ca or calling 1-403-210-8895.