
Reminder Lists (for use in DIP)

Endocrinology & Metabolism

Reminder Lists

Reminder Lists

Creating and using Reminder Lists within Connect Care is a convenient way of tracking patient tasks, that will replace unapproved separate Excel spreadsheets. Creating the lists, and getting used to the processes will take a little time, but you'll be rewarded with a safe and efficient process!
Instructions with screenshots are located on the diabetes shared drive. The document with the link, is at J:diabetes > Connect Care > !How to. Use <Ctrl> + f to search for "reminder".


Creating Reminder Lists

  1. Go to Patient Lists > Edit List > Create Reminder List
  2. In the dialogue box that opens:
    1. Give the list a name. You might consider indicating the type of list, and for which numerical month, e.g. GDM 22.10, to indicate the year 2022 and the month of October.
    2. From "Available Columns" add the following, and others that might suit you. Note that you can change the order of the columns using the arrows in the "Selected Columns" window.
      • EDD
      • Current GA and weight
      • Admission date and diagnosis (letting you know if the patient was admitted for delivery or other reason)
      • Next Appt Date and Dept
      • Next Appt Provider
    3. Under the Advanced tab, add providers you will be sharing the list with. You might consider adding all providers in the department.
    4. Click Accept to create the list.
Create Reminder List

Add Patients to Your List

  • Highlight the list you want to add patients to.
  • Click on "Add Patient"
  • Use "Recent Search" or if you just had the chart open, use "Recent Patients" to select the patient you want to add. Double-click to add the patient to the list.

Add and Manage Reminders

Add a Reminder:

  • Highlight the patient you want to add a reminder for.
  • At bottom right, click "Add to Reminder List"
  • Enter Subject and Due date. You might consider picking 1 day after the task is actually due:
    • The patient will be bolded in your list the day before it's due
    • The patient will show in red, and InBasket messages will go to everyone who shares the list, the day it's due.
  • If the patient has delivered, consider a reminder "Delivered - discharge from DIP" and set the reminder for 2 weeks from the current date, to give yourself time to do the discharge.

Manage Tasks on Your List:

The default sorting for reminder lists is in reverse chronological order of due date.

  • Highlight the patient.
  • Click on the reminder (in blue) at the bottom.
    • If this is a reminder you want to show up again, change the due date.
    • If the task is completely done, and won't be repeated, click 'Done.'

To remove patient from your list

  • Highlight the patient
  • Right-click and select "Remove Patient." 
Add Reminder