Reminder Lists (for use in DIP)
Endocrinology & Metabolism
Reminder Lists
Reminder Lists
Creating and using Reminder Lists within Connect Care is a convenient way of tracking patient tasks, that will replace unapproved separate Excel spreadsheets. Creating the lists, and getting used to the processes will take a little time, but you'll be rewarded with a safe and efficient process!
Instructions with screenshots are located on the diabetes shared drive. The document with the link, is at J:diabetes > Connect Care > !How to. Use <Ctrl> + f to search for "reminder".
Creating Reminder Lists
- Go to Patient Lists > Edit List > Create Reminder List
- In the dialogue box that opens:
- Give the list a name. You might consider indicating the type of list, and for which numerical month, e.g. GDM 22.10, to indicate the year 2022 and the month of October.
- From "Available Columns" add the following, and others that might suit you. Note that you can change the order of the columns using the arrows in the "Selected Columns" window.
- Current GA and weight
- Admission date and diagnosis (letting you know if the patient was admitted for delivery or other reason)
- Next Appt Date and Dept
- Next Appt Provider
- Under the Advanced tab, add providers you will be sharing the list with. You might consider adding all providers in the department.
- Click Accept to create the list.

Add Patients to Your List
- Highlight the list you want to add patients to.
- Click on "Add Patient"
- Use "Recent Search" or if you just had the chart open, use "Recent Patients" to select the patient you want to add. Double-click to add the patient to the list.
Add and Manage Reminders
Add a Reminder:
- Highlight the patient you want to add a reminder for.
- At bottom right, click "Add to Reminder List"
- Enter Subject and Due date. You might consider picking 1 day after the task is actually due:
- The patient will be bolded in your list the day before it's due
- The patient will show in red, and InBasket messages will go to everyone who shares the list, the day it's due.
- If the patient has delivered, consider a reminder "Delivered - discharge from DIP" and set the reminder for 2 weeks from the current date, to give yourself time to do the discharge.
Manage Tasks on Your List:
The default sorting for reminder lists is in reverse chronological order of due date.
- Highlight the patient.
- Click on the reminder (in blue) at the bottom.
- If this is a reminder you want to show up again, change the due date.
- If the task is completely done, and won't be repeated, click 'Done.'
To remove patient from your list
- Highlight the patient
- Right-click and select "Remove Patient."