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Research Notes
As a way to connect the Department of Critical Care’s (University of Calgary) multitude of research projects to the general public, a series of easier to understand summaries of published research papers called “Research Notes” are being created.
These summaries are void of most jargon and focus on the results and positive aspects of the research. (Only studies free to the public are eligible to have a summary created for them.) The goal is to be able to inform a complete outsider of the importance and impact of our research. Making the content easier to understand allows people to see how the department is seeking ways to implement better care for patients and their families.
Feasibility and acceptability of family administration of delirium detection tools in the intensive care unit: A patient-oriented pilot study
Karla D. Krewulak PhD, Bonnie G. Sept, Henry T. Stelfox MD PhD, E.W. Ely MD MPH,
Judy E. Davidson DNP RN, Zahinoor Ismail MD, Kirsten M. Fiest PhD