Academic Program

Educational sessions for residents...
...are held every weekday throughout the academic year at the 2 primary teaching hospitals:
Monday a.m.: Formal bedside teaching rounds, led by various preceptors (FMC)
Monday noon: Neuroradiology Rounds (SHC) every 2 weeks
Tuesday a.m.: "Les Leçons du Mardi" - Neurology Case Rounds video-conferenced between FMC & SHC
Tuesday p.m.: Formal bedside teaching rounds, led by various preceptors (SHC)
Wednesday: a.m: Neuroradiology teaching rounds (FMC); video-conferenced to SHC
Thursday academic half-day (12:15 - 18:00): Neurology subspecialty/CanMEDS rounds and a two-hour seminar. The seminars cover a curriculum of neurology topics that repeats every 2.5 years. All sessions are led by neurology preceptors. Regular Communications Skills sessions (with actors) are also scheduled.
Friday Departmental Grand Rounds (08:00 - 10:15): During the first hour, neurology, neurosurgery and physical medicine and rehabilitation residents present a patient followed by a short didactic and interactive session. In the second hour, a topical didactic presentation is given, often by an invited guest speaker, or there is a clinical-pathological conference. These rounds are video-conferenced between sites.
Annual departmental events include a sponsored residents' retreat, a sponsored neurology resident week-end basic science symposium, and the departmental Research Day.
When beginning internal medicine, the PGY-1 resident participates in the seminars for PGY-1 internal medicine residents, which covers core medical emergency topics.
Residents in all years have certain duties and responsibilities in common. These include:
- Participating in all departmental educational activities as a first priority.
- Participating in the education of more junior residents (from all disciplines) and clinical clerks who are rotating through the Neurology Service.
- Periodically making case presentations and short focused presentations at Rounds.