Training Sites

Participating Departments, Institutions and Facilities
The Department of Clinical Neurosciences comprises the Divisions of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and includes 51 adult neurologists, and over 66 other full and part-time faculty members. The alliance of the three disciplines at the University of Calgary allows fruitful collaboration in several departmental activities, including weekly rounds, resident basic science seminars, research day, outpatient services, etc. (for further information see the departmental Annual Report). Other departments, including Internal Medicine, Histopathology, and Radiology also participate actively in the neurology training program.
Foothills Medical Centre is a large, tertiary care medical facility (1,000 acute care beds) that serves as the major referral centre in Southern Alberta for patients requiring inpatient neurology care. There are three inpatient services: general neurology, stroke and consultation services. There are also several general neurology and subspecialty outpatient clinics (see above). There are three combined neurology and neurosurgery inpatient wards comprising 60 beds plus an 18-bed stroke unit and a ward devoted to inpatient neuro-rehabilitation. There is a neurology/neurosurgery critical care unit, an EMG/EEG Lab and a resident office with computers and internet access on the same floor as the inpatient neurology wards. A neurology/neurosurgery outpatient wing is located adjacent to the neurology wards. The Foothills Medical Centre and Seaman Family MR Research Centre houses an intraoperative MRI scanner (the iMRI) and a 3-Tesla research and clinical scanner as well as two 1.5 Tesla clinical scanners. The University of Calgary medical school is located adjacent to the Foothills Medical Centre. Five contiguous buildings (McCaig Tower, Health Science and Heritage Medical Buildings, Health Research Innovation Center and Translational Research Wing) house additional acute care beds, as well as both basic and clinical research facilities.
The Peter Lougheed Centre in the northeast and Rockyview General Hospital in the southwest are 600+ bed modern fully equipped hospitals with active medical, surgical and intensive care units. Both sites support busy neurology consultation services, neurology clinics, EEG and EMG laboratories and CT and MR scanners. Residents may rotate through these sites for General Neurology Clinics, EEG, and EMG rotations.
Alberta Children's Hospital is a tertiary care pediatric medical facility and a major pediatric trauma centre. There are 12 full time neurologists that run active in-patient and outpatient neurology services. In addition to General Neurology clinics, subspecialty clinics include Brain Injury, Epilepsy, Headache, Neurodevelopment, Neuromotor/Neuromuscular, Sleep, and Stroke. The division also has full EEG, EMG, and imaging capability. Major research interests include brain recovery, epilepsy, stroke, and Tourette's syndrome
A fourth adult acute care hospital, the South Health Campus opened in September 2012 with complete operational status in September 2013. There are 269 acute care beds. There is an active general neurology inpatient and consultation service including a seizure monitoring unit. The Headache Clinic and Neuromuscular Clinic are based at SHC.