Due to COVID-19 some of our clinic processes have changed. The clinic will contact you about options when they call to schedule your appointment. For more information, please review the Alberta Referral Directory.
The Urgent Neurology Clinic
Program Lead: Dr. Alexandra Hanson

The Urgent Neurology Clinic was established in 2000 so adult patients requiring an urgent outpatient neurological consultation could be seen in a timely manner. The Urgent Neurology Clinic’s mandate is to see patients within five business days. Further investigations are then expedited as needed.
Referrals to the Urgent Neurology Clinic are triaged by a neurologist at FMC. Patients are seen at two sites: FMC and RGH. The SHC site moved back to RGH in November 2019.
This past year, the Urgent Neurology Clinic has been involved in the QI project: Improving the Care of Patients with Neurological Symptoms after Discharge from an Emergency Department, led by Dr Megan Yaraskavitch and Erin Barrett, QI Coordinator. The criteria for the Urgent Neurology Clinic have been revised and clarified. The Urgent Neurology Clinic continues to work in conjunction with General Neurology Central Access and Triage to ensure patients are seen in the most appropriate clinic.
When the ambulatory clinics were restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Urgent Neurology Clinic continued to see those patients who needed to be seen urgently. Where possible, however, appointments were by telephone.
The Urgent Neurology Clinic is an excellent clinic for both resident teaching and evaluation.
FMC: Judi Santos, RN (Nina Castrogiovanni, RN); Dale Gyonyor and Uche Odili (clerks).
Dr Tyson Brust, Dr Jodie Burton, Dr Alicja Cieslak, Dr Jeptha Davenport, Dr Sarah Furtado, Dr Paula de Robles, Dr Yanjun Duan, Dr Alexandra Hanson, Dr Wei Liu, Dr Theo Mobach, Dr Steven Peters, Dr Michael Yeung.
RGH: Andrea Nicholson, RN; Jo Ann Gerundio (clerk).
Dr Farnaz Amoozegar, Dr Ronak Kapadia, Dr Wei Liu, Dr Shaily Singh, Dr Katie Wiltshire, Dr Megan Yaraskavitch.

Appointments at Foothills Medical Centre
12th Floor, Main Building
Foothills Medical Centre (FMC)
1403 29th Street NW
Calgary, AB T2N 2T9
(403) 944-2372
Urgent Neurology Clinic appointments are on the 12th floor of the main building of Foothills Hospital. Take the elevators in the Main Building to the 11th floor and transfer to the 12th floor elevator. There are also stairs from the 11th floor to the 12th floor. Please check in at the 12th floor reception deck when you arrive.
The new Central Parking (Lot 1) is the nearest parking to the clinic.
Please click here for maps and payment information.

Appointments at Rockyview General Hospital
5th Floor
Holy Cross Ambulatory Care Building
Rockyview General Hospital
7007 14 Street SW
Calgary, AB T2V 1P9
(403) 943-8552
Urgent Neurology Clinic appointments are on the 5th floor of the Holy Cross Ambulatory Care building. From Parking Lot 9, walk across the Holy Cross building and take the elevator up one floor to the 5th floor. Turn right off the elevators and enter the EEG/EMG Lab where the Urgent Neurology Clinic is located.
The nearest parkade is Lot 9 in the NW corner of the hospital (not the larger Lot 1 in front).
Please click here for maps and payment information.
Please use the links below to learn about our clinic