DCNS | Grand Rounds Attendance

Please submit this form for each Grand Rounds event you attend. Data will not be collected until you hit the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. Attendance data will be emailed to you at the end of each Ground Rounds season. Click here for email assistance.

Your Name
If your name is not in the list, please select "Other" at the end of the list and add your name.
Your Area
Please select "1" if you only attended the first or second hour. Select "2" if you attended both hours.


The case-based presentations today were useful for my continuing professional development

The learning objectives were presented at the beginning

There was an appropriate level of active participation by audience

I learned a lot

My practice will change as a result of attending this session

Please enter any other comments about the second-hour presenter
What presenter or presentation subject would you most like to hear about at a future Grand Rounds?