Waiting room

Facility Resources Capabilities

Preceptors' Lounge

Waiting room, looking into Preceptors' Lounge

Waiting Room

This oval room seats approximately thirty people. It is often used for SPs awaiting their student interaction, medical graduates awaiting an interview or candidates awaiting their exam.

The unique configuration of the room has tended to amplify conversational sound, but we recently added some visually interesting sound-attenuating installations  that have helped to significantly mitigate this. 

There is direct access to the Preceptors' Lounge and the SP locker rooms.

locker room

SP showers and Locker Room


Secure Observation Station

Preceptors' Lounge

Seating 20, the secure preceptors lounge works for meetings, food service during events or sequestering groups.

A large screen and console are available for viewing activity in the clinical rooms, any of which can be  singled out for closer observation. 

Any room can also be recorded. This can be a useful teaching tool and a valuable asset should a candidate challenge their exam results.

Recording can be booked through AV services.

Preceptors' Lounge

Seating Area

Clinical room

"B" room, where encounter normally occurs.

Clinical Rooms

The centre consists of 36 paired clinical rooms. There is a viewing window between each pair, with blinds that can be raised or lowered on each side.

Every room is equipped with a sink, paper towel & soap dispensers, surgical gloves, table, chairs  and examining table. There is an integrated diagnostic system with blood pressure cuff, otoscope, ophthalmoscope and thermometer. A Medical Instructional Resource kit contains alcohol wipes, cotton swabs, cotton balls, tongue depressors and a tape measure.

Room B

View from the "A" room, observing the "B" room.

Main PA

Public Address Control Station - Corridor 1

Public Address System

The PA system in the MSC can be configured to access any or all of the three corridors in the centre.

Instructions for how to configure the master control panel for separate areas are posted at each of the three microphone stations.  Volume is also controlled on the panel at each of these.

Every clinical room is equipped with a camera, DVD player/recorder and audio feed. By adjusting the input to the screen, either room  of a pair can be observed and audited by the other.  

Second Corridor

PA Station - Corridor 2

MSC Detail

Layout of MSC


The Medical Skills Centre is a secure facility.  The main access points are controlled electronically through the University of Calgary's Security Department. Overrides can be requested if your event requires that level of accessibility.

Ancillary facilities, such as the theatres and the G600 corridor rooms, can also be secured as required.

Clinical rooms are normally kept locked when not in active use.

The two main corridors and smaller third corridor are well lit and spacious.


MSC location within the Health Sciences Centre