Applying to be a Standardized Patient
The Process
We hope we've provided a comprehensive picture of what the work involves, what is expected of an SP, and what you can expect from the centre and the program.
So, if it seems that you and the Standardized Patient Program might be a good fit for each other - here's where you begin:
The Audition
Potential SPs whose resume, experience and demographics would indicate a good match are invited to audition. A date will be confirmed and a brief sample communications case will be emailed for you to learn. You'll have an opportunity to meet with the team leader prior to and following the audition itself.
One of the SP trainers will take you through an abbreviated training session on the case that was emailed to you; you'll also have a discussion on offering patient perspective Then you'll experience a fairly typical interaction with a medical student, followed by a debrief with the student and your trainer (acting as a preceptor) using the patient perspective guidelines.
The entire audition process will take approximately an hour.
Opportunities to audition for the Standardized Patient Program occur on an irregular basis throughout the year. We normally wait until there are several expressions of interest, and then schedule interviews/auditions.
And It Begins ....
If you are accepted into the program, you'll be activated within the computerized U of Calgary system incorporating everything from your paycheque to your schedule. Once that's been accomplished, you'll have access to SharePoint, Payroll, your @ucalgary.ca email address and My U of C.
My U of C is all about you, and it's where you'll enter your employment hours, access your tax forms, paycheque records, information about services available to you and a wealth of other valuable stuff!
You'll be invited to an orientation session at the MSC, which will be your first paid engagement. This will explore the SP handbook, include a SharePoint tutorial, provide a fuller picture of the SP program and the Medical Skills Centre and cover all the things you'll need to know.
And it's Official!