
News and Updates

Collage with pictures from AES conference

Our amazing team of dedicated researchers attended the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting earlier this December. They presented posters with their current work and also a had the opportunity to visit some of the sights around LA.

Collage with pictures from AES conference

Purple Day Fundraiser Zumbathon

Purple Day Fundraiser poster
Purple Day Fundraiser poster2

Social Media

You can find us on social media as @excitedbrains.

You can also find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@albertachildrensepilepsypr?si=HNoWV1wDzMbZm1k3

Past events

5th International Symposium - Hypothalamic Hamartomas

HH poster

To find more information and register, click the link below:


1st Canadian Paediatric SEEG Course

SEEG poster

To find more information and register, click the link below:
