Data and Bioinformatics

We host your data in our private server environment, and have bioinformaticians here to help provide insight into your sequences.

Data Storage and Access

Once your sequencing run is complete, your data are demultiplexed and converted to FASTQ files. They are stored on our secure server in our private-networked server room dedicated to genomics, with high-performance, large-memory servers and multi-petabyte data storage. Command-line access to the compute environment is provided upon request.

Data generated from MiSeq runs are stored both on our server and on Illumina's BaseSpace Sequence Hub. BaseSpace provides a number of ready-made applications and automated workflows for data analysis at your convenience. An Illumina account is required for access.



CHGI Infrastructure Transition Project

To improve the sustainability of the CHGI cluster compute and storage infrastructure, the decision was made to integrate this infrastructure with the University of Calgary's High Performance Computing site managed by Research Computing Services (RCS). This will allow CHGI users to leverage the extensive RCS staff and infrastructure.

Bioinformatics Services

The CHGI has a network of service bioinformaticians that can assist with all stages of a project, from experiment design, to quality control and statistical tests, to publication-ready figures.

Our expertise include, but are not limited to:

  • differential gene expression from cell cultures, animals, and patient-derived samples
  • genome and exome resequencing (germline & somatic)
  • de novo genome and transcriptome assemblies (prokaryotic & eukaryotic)
  • metagenomic analysis
  • 16S profiling
  • biological pathway analysis

Collectively, we have over 40 years of bioinformatics experience. Book a consultation, during which we can familiarize ourselves with your project needs, and estimate a number of billable hours needed for us to help you achieve your goals.

DNA sample being pipetted into an Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION portable sequencer flowcell

Nanopore Sequencing & Informatics

Nanopore sequencing is an emerging no-capital cost way to obtain long contiguous (up to ~1Mbp) sequences. The CHGI has bulk purchased Flongle flowcells for the MinION nanopore sequencer. If you are planning on acquiring a MinION for your wet lab, contact us about obtaining Flongle flow cells. We are also interested in collaborating on informatics methods development, and can connect you with other labs for shared reagents and workshops.


Email us about Nanopore

Slack app screenshot

Calgary Bioinformatics User Group

Over 150 users participate in the Calgary Bioinformatics User Group's Slack communication medium.  This is used for seminar announcements, computer cluster status updates, publication notices, and as a general bioinformatics help forum. If you have a e-mail address, you can self register on Slack.