User Forms

We require complete and accurate Sample Submission and Service Request Forms before we can work with your samples. Find the necessary forms here.

User Forms

When you are ready to submit samples, please fill out and send us the appropriate forms listed below.

Sample Submission forms are required to help us keep track of your samples throughout our service workflows. You can also find information regarding the required volume and concentration for submission in each sample submission file.




• Sample Submission Form (updated: Jan. 17, 2024)

Note: For TapeStation requests, a current online Annual Authorization Form for project code billing is required before orders can be processed.

Covaris Shearing

Sample Submission Form

Note: For Covaris shearing requests, a current online Annual Authorization Form for project code billing is required before orders can be processed.

For internal orders, please send a copy of the accompanying Service Request Form, completed and signed by the project holder or official delegate only. Service Request Forms are required for billing, and we cannot start your project without them!

Online AAFs are valid July 1 to June 30. Please ensure that the user name on the Sample Submission Form is listed on the AAF as a purchaser on behalf of the project owner.

For external orders, please contact us for a quote and Statement of Work form to accompany your Purchase Order number.