OnCore CTMS Services
The Provincial OnCore Support Team (POST) is your central contact for all things CTMS. Have a new team member? Want a new protocol built for you in OnCore? Received an amendment for a study in OnCore? Have questions about how to do something? We support your use of OnCore and provide CTMS-specific services. Services include:
- Clinical trial team and new staff training
- User account setup, maintenance and deactivation
- Resource and job aid development
- Ongoing training for additional CTMS topics
- Study creation in OnCore (minimum footprint data entry)
- Protocol calendar build
- Budget building for negotiation
- Budget finalization after negotiation
- Protocol review and handoff
- Amendments and ongoing support
- Building a Clinical Trial Budget
- System upgrades and new features
- Custom reporting
- Ongoing support and troubleshooting
- Book a session for yourself or your team with OnCore Support to review any topic
- Sessions are conducted over Teams or Zoom
Request OnCore Services

Provincial OnCore Support Team
Email: oncoresupport@ucalgary.ca