Carotid Artery Imaging

We are interested in understand morphology, wall/plaque composition and wall dynamics of the carotid artery and how these alter in carotid artery disease. This research activity consists of three connected projects:

  1. Development of new dynamic fast-spin echo imaging approaches (using non-linear sampling, parallel imaging and compressed sensing) for time-resolved imaging of carotid arteries (see movie)
  2. Characterization of wall distensibiity, morphology and plaque composition with age and disease, and exploration of impact on stroke and neurodegenerative disorders. Includes application of deep learning based segmentation and analysis approaches.
  3. Development of new approaches to processing carotid artery images, including deep-learning analysis methods.

These projects are part of an ongoing, funded CIHR collaboration between researchers at the University of Calgary.


Recent Representative Publications


Prospective Trainee Requirements

Interest in carotid artery disease and imaging with a degree (MSc preferred) in Biomedical, Computer, or Electrical Engineering. A good grasp of digital signal processing techniques, bio-mechanical modelling, and/or experience with numerical optimization methods would be highly beneficial. Must have good oral and written English communication skills.

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