Research Publications
Much of our scientific output is presented as talks at scientific meetings and papers in scholarly journals. Our graduate students summarize their research in a thesis dissertation. Working at the Seaman Family MR Centre also facilitates translation of new ideas and approaches to patient populations.
Research Translation
The Vascular Imaging Laboratory team is based at the Seaman Family MR Centre, which is a specialized imaging research facility based within the Foothills Medical Centre. The Foothills Medical Centre is one of the largest academic medical centres in Canada and the tertiary care healthcare facility for southern Alberta. Convenient access to patients (via clinical collaborations) facilitates the translation of novel ideas into patient care. Regular multi-disciplinary seminars further facilitate translation.
Translation is further supported by participation in provincial, national and international networks which have seen our techniques provided to other centres across Canada, and data from around the world sent to Calgary for management and processing using the Calgary Image Processing and Analysis Centre (CIPAC).
Finally, two patents have been awarded on our work at the Vascular Imaging Laboratory.