Richard Frayne performing a research imaging study on the 3-T MR scannner at the Seaman Family Centre.

Research Infrastructure

Installation of a 3-T magnet at the Seaman Family Centre, 2010.

3 T MR Scanner

  • dedicated 3 T research scanner (Signa UHP, General Electric Healthcare) upgraded in 2024
  • comes with a full-suite of appropriate brain and carotid imaging coils, and cerebrovascular imaging software
  • access to and expertise in using the General Electric programming language under our research agreement
  • staffed by licensed technologists allowing the full range of human research (normal subjects to patients)

Pre-Clinical Surgical/X-Ray Imaging Suite

  • x-ray compatible surgical table
  • completely equipped with anesthesia and motioning equipment
  • procedures in place to transfer subjects to adjacent MR scanner
x-ray imaging
Acessing computational resources

Computational and Storage Infrastructure

  • centralized data storage (>200 Tbytes) of redundant server-class storage and access to computational resources at Seaman Family Centre and CIPAC
  • local access to high-performance GPU (donated by Nvidia) and the cloud (donated by Amazon Web Services)
  • access to high-performance computing resources at the University of Calgary (Advanced Research Computing), Westgrid and Compute Canada
  • research activities supported by centralized IT support and dedicated software development personnel