AHS Research Resources – FAQs

Health System Access and Connect Care Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about accessing Alberta Health Services for research purposes visit Alberta Health Services - Research Resources page.

Health System Access Frequently Asked Questions

1.How do I know if I need to submit a Health System Access (HAS) Application and need approval from the HSA team for my study? Answer: If your study has REB approval and if the study requires access to Alberta Health Services resources including patient health data, recruitment support from AHS departments, and access to operational areas for clinical research you will require an administrative approval from the health system access team. For more information on the administrative approval process visit the following page: Alberta Health Services - Administrative Approval Process

2. How can I check the status of my submission?

Answer: You can view the status of your Health System Access application through IRISS. Once you've submitted the AHS module in IRISS, you'll find the status visible in the application workspace sidebar menu. For more details regarding the application timeline, reach out to your designated HSA Advisor for your study.

3. I'm conducting a multicenter study and need to recruit patients from various AHS operational areas across Alberta. How can I request operational approval for AHS sites across the province?

Answer: The Health System Access team handles the operational approval process for the North Zone, South Zone, Central Zone, and Calgary Zone in Alberta. To request operational approval, submit your request using the AHS module in IRISS. For studies involving AHS sites in the Edmonton Zones, operational approvals are managed by the Northern Alberta Clinical Trials + Research Centre (NACTRC). For more information, visit the Home - NACTRC - Clinical Research Support and Administration page.

4. What details should I provide in my operational requests within the HSA application in IRISS?

Answer: To facilitate operational approval by our HSA team we ask researchers to clearly state the purpose of their operational request and explain

why they need access to specific resources or facilities within Alberta Health Services (AHS). The information listed below may be helpful to include in your application:

· The number of subjects from the specific area and the timeframe for study activities.

· Clear inclusion and exclusion criteria.

· Detailed description of study activities expected to take place in the clinical area (such as chart review, patient interviews, clinical testing).

· Any assistance that may be required from clinical staff (AHS nurses, Unit Clerks), and/or AHS managers if looking to recruit AHS staff.

· Recruitment processes in the operational areas

· Explanation of the training that will be provided to AHS staff to support these functions.

· Identification of any AHS clinical equipment that the research team may need to utilize.

· Specification of any work or storage space requirements for the research team.

For more information on operational approval requests visit Obtaining Operational Approval | Alberta Health Services

5. How can I determine if I’m eligible for Netcare access for my clinical research study?

Answer: Netcare is a clinical system owned by Alberta Health, and the terms established by AHS limit it to clinical purposes only. To qualify for Netcare access, your study must meet eligibility criteria established by Alberta Health. Patient consent is required as well as a determination that Netcare is required for the care and safety of research participants. For more information regarding Netcare eligibility criteria please visit the following website: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/Research.htm.

6. What should I do if I can’t find the required AHS department for my operational approval request in the AHS online application form in IRISS?

Answer: In the AHS module on IRISS, there is a comments section where you can specify the additional AHS operational areas that will be affected. Please indicate which AHS units/clinics will be impacted by the clinical research and what research activities will take place at each site (e.g., recruitment, consenting, study procedures).

1. I recently received administrative approval for a study. How can I add a new study coordinator and provide them with access to Connect Care?

Answer: The new study coordinator must be added to the Ethics Application before submitting a request to Health System Access. Once they are added to the REB application, fill out the HSA IT Access Request for Research Form to request access for an AHS network account and Connect Care. A member of the HSA team will send an email with Connect Care training details and requirements upon submission of the form. Once all training has been completed, the new study coordinator will receive Connect Care access.

2. How can I add myself to a new clinical research study in Connect Care if I have already completed training and have existing access from a previous study?

Answer: Before submitting any requests ensure that the new study has received REB approval, and you are included as study staff on the REB application. Once this is in place, fill out the following AHS Connect Care Change Request Form. This form is used to submit any changes or updates to the administrative information in your Connect Care study record.

3. I have been approved for Connect Care access; how do I determine what training I need?

Answer: The training and access requirements for Connect Care are determined by the connect care role assigned to you. To identify the appropriate Connect Care role(s) required for your research you can use the following Connect Care Role Selector Tool. Once your study is approved a member of the health system access team will email you to provide additional connect care training details.