AHS Collaboration

Alberta Health Services - Research Resources

The AHS Liaison Services at the Calgary Centre for Clinical Research (CCCR) serve as a central hub for the University of Calgary's research community seeking access to health system resources in Alberta for their research studies. CCCR collaborates closely with the Alberta Health Services' Health System Access team to assist researchers and provide guidance in accessing data systems and operational areas vital for clinical research. Leveraging our in-depth understanding of AHS facilities, processes, and requirements, we can connect our researchers with the resources they need to enhance their research.

Our office provides a variety of services including:

· Consultations to facilitate access to AHS data systems and operational areas for clinical research.

· Facilitation of collaborative initiatives between the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services.

For more information or consultation support please contact our office

Contact Us

Calgary Centre for Clinical Research Webinars

AHS Liaison Services contribute to the webinar series CCCR hosts to facilitate knowledge exchange and ensure research teams stay informed about the latest developments in clinical research support. Previous webinars can be accessed through the following link:

Join the Calgary Centre for Clinical Research Mailing List

Join the mailing list for updates on upcoming AHS support for research webinars and sessions:

Connect Care Announcements

View AHS Connect Care Announcements and Updates.


Connect Care Events

Connect Care events and webinars can be found on our events page.
