Geriatric Psychiatry
Our Vision
Improved mental health for seniors, through education, research and treatment of mental disorders.

The Division of Geriatric Psychiatry will promote excellence in research, education and clinical practice amongst its members. We will disseminate information on the treatment of mental disorders with special reference to the changes associated with normal and abnormal aging. We will also promote awareness of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric issues associated with the aging process to students, residents and those who work with the elderly.
- We endevor to create an environment that facilitates education and continuing professional development
- We support research by providing review and clinical support to research proposals and offering opportunities for residents to be included
- We support clinical services across the three adult acute care sites and across the continuum of care from acute care to primary care and prevention
- Interview Info Session.pptx

- Provide clinical rotations to all residents in Psychiatry at the University of Calgary
- Increase awareness of other professionals of current issues and developments in Geriatric Psychiatry through rounds and other mechanisms
- Provide opportunities for sharing and disseminating information
- Advocate for, develop and refine services to seniors with Mental Disorders
- Apply the principles of evidence based practice to all services
- Advocate for appropriate resources and programs to meet the need
- Recognize the rights of those who cannot advocate for themselves
- Deliver education to undergraduate and post graduate students
- Encourage recruitment within the field
- Continue to promote, assist and develop research opportunities
- Division faculty are involved in the core curriculum as well as provision of elective rotations and fellowships to trainees from the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta and international fellows.

Clinical Services
- Provide multidisciplinary assessment and treatment to older adults with primary psychiatry concerns complicated by the aging process.
- Provide service across different settings including home, supportive living, outpatient and inpatient settings
- Provide consultation and education as appropriate to other services such as primary care, Seniors Health and adult psychiatry services.
- Provide support and education to caregivers

- Improve the knowledge and understanding of geriatric psychiatry issues
- Promote innovative and clinically relevant research
- Develop best practice guidelines and keep abreast of evidence based outcome measures
- Actively participate with the local, national and international research communities to exchange findings and collaborate on studies.