Section/Site Chiefs
Section/Site Chief Information
This recruitment guide provides the information and instructions required to facilitate seamless recruitment within your Section/Sites.
- Identify a vacancy and evaluate recruitment need
- Assess the need for the requested recruitment, it's impact on AHS resources, and describe the positions requirement and responsibilities, (Impact Analysis)
- Consideration should be given to service delivery plans and how the position will support them. Consideration also be given to whether there is an opportunity to realign the current workforce or service of delivery method to improve the present structure.
- Questions to ask to evaluate the recruitment need and impact on service delivery method includes: Is the need a simple replacement of a physician existing; to keep pace with increasing service need; due to a change in practice methods; can the need be absorbed through an alternative physician workforce such as a Clinical Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.
What is an Impact Analysis?
An Impact Analysis is an assessment tool that estimates the effect on available resources. It also describes the position requirements, responsibilities, and work commitments as well as any changes if the position was previously filled.
Why Must an Impact Analysis be Completed?
An impact Analysis is completed to confirm the resources required to fulfill the recruitment are, or can be made, available. In addition to resource availability, it supports recruitment prioritization to ensure recruitment aligns with organizational and operational priorities and service delivery needs.
What is the Section/Site Chief’s Role in Completing an Impact Analysis?
Complete a Recruitment Impact Analysis Form.
All available new and replacement physician positions must, at minimum, be posted on www.doctorjobsalberta.com for a minimum of 7 days (FFS), 30 days (GFT)
A Selection Committee advisory to the Department Head shall be established for each appointment of more than twelve months’ duration.
Have structured interview questions to create a more objective interview process
Have adequate time for interviews. Biases emerge when evaluators are under time pressure
Have the interview panelists commit to evaluation criteria before interviewing candidates
Not penalize candidates for "resume gaps" that coincide with child-bearing & child-rearing years
Recruiter check the reference
Involve dyad operation manager to check the reference
Before offering the position, email candidate’s CV to Dr. Taylor
Please advise Connie with candidate’s name and potential start date
Complete PPC1 Application
Generic letter of support from sponsoring Institute
Specific start-up dollar contributions from: Institute, Section, DoM
Approved Impact Analysis is required to be attached to PPC1
Upon PPC approval, the position must be approved by the Provost prior to advertisement (can take up to 14 days)
- CV
- Minimum of three letters of reference
- Letter of support from the sponsoring Institute or Relevant Associate Dean for the selected candidate
- Search and Selection minutes
- Section support minutes
- Complete PPC2 Application