Website information about urgent services
Distress Centre
Distress Centre provide:
Free, confidential 24/7 crisis line: 403-266-HELP (4357); TTY for the hearing impaired 403-543-1967
Free, confidential 24/7 suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-784-2433
Online crisis chat is available from 3pm to 10pm daily. Go to the website and click on "Confidential Chat"
Emails are responded to within 24 to 48 hours: help@distresscentre.com
Mobile Response Team provide:
Mobile mental health services: crisis intervention, prevention, urgent psychiatric assessments, trauma response, mental health education and professional consultations
The Mobile Response Team is accessed through the Distress Centre
ConnecTeen provide:
Free, confidential 24/7 peer support service for youth: 403-264-TEEN (403-264-8336)
Peer support available from 5 to 10pm on weekdays and noon to 10pm on weekends
Online chat is available from 3pm to 10pm weekdays and noon to 10pm weekends: go to the website and click on “Confidential Chat”
Text chat is available from 3pm to 10pm weekdays and noon to 10pm weekends). Text 587-333-2724
Emails are responded to within 24 to 48 hours: go to the ConnecTeam Distress Centre website below
Woods Homes Community Resource Team
Woods Homes Community Resource Team provide:
Free, confidential 24/7 phone and mobile crisis team: 403-299-9699 or toll-free at 1-800-563-6106
Provide telephone and mobile crisis team for children, adolescents, adults, and families
Text chat is available from 9 am to 10 pm: 587-315-5000
Emails are responded to and checked regularly: crt@woodshomes.ca
Free drop-in counselling services are available at:
- Woods Homes Eastside Family Centre - Monday to Thursday from 11am to 7pm, Friday 11am to 6pm, Saturday 11am to 4pm: 403-299 9696
- Northgate Mall 255 – 495 36 Street NE: 403-299-9696
Live online chat is available 9am to 7pm daily
Crisis Services Canada
Crisis Services Canada (CSC) is a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services. We are committed to supporting any person living in Canada who is affected by suicide, in the most caring and least intrusive manner possible.