Website information about family-based community resources
University of Calgary - Integrated Services in Education
The University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education, provide psycho-educational assessments. The charge is a flat fee of $1500.00.
Family Support for Children with Disabilities
Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) provide a wide range of family-centred support and services to families of children with disabilities. Parents can apply on-line, or by phoning 403 297 6022. There is no cost to approved families.
Family & Community Resource Centre, Alberta Children's Hospital
Family & Community Resource Centre, Alberta Children's Hospital provide free services and programs:
The Community Education Service - CES - education sessions and resource materials to address child, youth and family health and mental health needs.
Emily's Backyard - short term child care at the Alberta Children's Hospital (main floor) for patients and siblings of patients. Call: 403 955 2500 or email: eby@albertahealthservices.ca to pre-register
Family Library: books and DVDs on a variety of health topics, located on the 2nd floor of the Alberta Children's Hospital. Call: 403 955 7745 or email: childhealthinfo@albertahealthservices.ca to have an information package complied.
Resources on-line: - information prescriptions for: ADHD, anxiety, autism and Asperger Syndrome, coping with teasing and bullying, depression, managing challenging behavior, nutrition, active living, healthy weight and sleep problems.
Strongest Families Institute
Strongest Families Institute support children from ages 3 to 17 and their families and use the distance coaching approach - that is, over the phone and internet. Free support is also provided for: ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety disorder, and nighttime bedwetting.
211 Alberta
211 Alberta: dial 2-1-1 for access to community resources and support services.
Inform Alberta
Inform Alberta provide an on-line province-wide directory for community, health, social, and government services across Alberta.
Government of Alberta Health and Wellness
Government of Alberta Health and Wellness provide information about health and health services in Alberta.
Canadian Association for Equality
Canadian Association for Equality support boys, men, and families in Calgary and Edmonton, providing meetup groups, men’s peer support circles, and assistance with accessing counselling.
Families Matter
Families Matter support families and their connection to communities as well as providing programs to families during various of growth and development.
The Family Resources Facilitation Program
The Family Resources Facilitation Program provide resources for: parent education on a range of issues such as aggression, bullying and sleep; community resources - for example, community resource centres and youth services; crisis support - for example, emergency child care, emergency housing and support and food support; family
Child Safe Canada
Child Safe Canada provide course for children and teenagers from age 4 to 16, including social skills, anger management, bullying, friendship and anxiety. The cost varies, depending on the course.
Calgary Rotary Challenger Park
Calgary Rotary Challenger Park is a barrier free meeting and recreational facility that is accessible to all people regardless of their age or abililty.
Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre
Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre support children, youth and families who have been traumatized by child abuse, as well as providing instructions for reporting child abuse.
Skipping Stone Foundation
Skipping Stone Foundation support and empower trans and gender diverse youth and their families by acting as a system and service navigator. Peer mentoring, group programming and gender affirming gear are provided, as well as short-term, goal focused mental health support.