Dr Alex Medina Neurologist and Movement Disorders Specialist
Name of Providers: Dr. Alex Medina Escobar
Address: 1600 Main Street, Unit 260, Moncton, NB
Phone: 506-860-2777
Fax: 506-870-2698
Expertise: Assessment and treatment of Tourette Syndrome
Ages seen:
Referral pathway: Referral from physician required
Cost: None
Full Circle Occupational Therapy
Name of Providers: Rebecca Wurm, MScOT, OT Reg. (NB)
Address: 880 Hanwell Rd, Unit 106, Fredericton, NB E3A 2A6
Phone: 506-999-6605
Email: becca@otfullcircle.com
Website: http://www.otfullcircle.com/
Expertise: Cognitive Behavioural Intervention for Tics - CBIT
Ages seen: Children
Referral pathway: Self referral