Four people at sunset holding hands

The Tourette OCD Alberta Network

Our mission is to improve access to care for people with Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder province wide.


Resources for children and adults with TS and/or OCD and their families

Resources for health care professionals

Resources for educators

Directory of health care professionals treating TS and/or OCD in Alberta

Calendar of Events: Health Care Professionals

Calendar of Events: Patients and Families

Calendar of Events: Educators

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Boy in classroom with hand up

Educational Outreach Program for Schools

The prevalence of Tourette Syndrome (TS) is approximately 1% of the student population, indicating that it is highly likely someone in your school will have the disorder. To complicate matters, most students with the diagnosis of TS also have co-occurring disorders such as ADHD and OCD. 

We provide customized presentations for:

Grade specific issues.  Teacher, parent, and student specific presentations. Information on Tourette Syndrome (TS) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Information of what TS and OCD look like in the classroom. Strategies for the classroom. Short films to illustrate TS and OCD. Empathy exercises to help people of all ages understand what it feels like to live with TS and OCD.

All the presentations have been vetted by a team of neurologists, psychologists, and teachers to come up with the most current information available - and they range in length from 30 minutes to 2 or 3 hours.

Head-self moving from physical self

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