Laser Microdissection

Contact-free precise specimen microdissection and capture for isolation of high-purity samples.

Zeiss PALM Laser Microdissection Microscope


Imaging Modes
Transmitted light mode: BF and Phase Contrast
Fluorescence and Zeiss Apotome.2 Structured Illumination: DAPI, GFP, and Cy3
Acquisition: extended depth of focus, multichannel, z-stack, time lapse, stitching

Laser Microdissection and Capture
Laser ablation down to 1 um
Pressure Catapulting, eg in PCR tubes
Typical thickness of 5-20um, up to >100um

5x/0.25 air; 20x/0.4 air; 40x/0.6 air; 100x/1.3 oil

Illumination & Ablation Laser
Imaging: HXP 120 mercury short-arc reflector lamp;- HAL 100 halogen lamp
Ablation: FTSS 355 nm laser pulsed at 100 Hz

DAPI ex G365 – em 445/50 ; FITC ex 470/40 – em 525/50; Cy3 ex 550/25 – em 605/70 nm

AxioCam Icc; AxioCam MRm

Software and Standard Operating Procedure
ZEN (download free viewer here)
Download Zeiss PALM SOP