Molecular Probes School: specimen preparation and imaging workflowibidi Resources: live imaging preparation and imaging workflowMyScope: microscopy fundamentalsNikon MicroscopyU: optical microscopy concepts/techniquesOlympus Microscopy: optical microscopy concepts/techniquesZeiss Campus: optical microscopy concepts/techniquesLeica Science Lab: optical microscopy concepts/techniquesAbberior Tutorials: superresolution microscopy conceptsScientific Volume Imaging: image formation and processingThorlabs Technical Resources: advanced opticsFluorescence Lifetime and Spectral Imaging: basics of FLIM and Spectral
iBiology: microscopy, image analysis, and biology fundamentalsAits lab: optical microscopy and image analysis techniquesNEUBIAS Academy: image analysis coursesImaris Webinar Series: Imaris image analysis (scroll to webinar series)Scientific Volume Imaging: Huygens image analysis and processingImageXpress Webinars: high content imaging and analysis workflowsibidi Webinars: live imaging webinarsPicoQuant Webinars: time-resolved microscopyHHU FLIM Symposium: FLIM lectures and workshopsEdmund Optics Knowledge Center: advanced optics
HBI AMP Archives: past events, seminars/webinars, and demos HBI AMP Image Analysis Workshops: webinars on image analysis
HBI AMP Software and Databases: software specific educational material and downloads
Contact HBI AMP: microscopy consultation and training
Credit Graduate Modules or HBI REALISE Modules:
Canadian Light Microscopy Course (CLMC)
HBI AMP Image Analysis Workshops: webinars on image analysis
Microscopy Interest Group (MIG): talks by invited imaging experts
Educational Seminars Series: technical talks, workshops, demos
Advanced Neuroscience Techniques Journal Club (sponsor)