Microscope Accessories
Microscope accessories such as stage-top incubators and objectives lenses.

Tokai Hit Stage-Top Incubator
- Controller: STXF; Chamber: WSKMX
- Stage-top incubator for live ex-vivo/in-vitro experiments (cells and tissues)
- Compatible with Leica SP8, Nikon C1Si and Nikon A1R-MP.
- Temperature controller for sample temps:30~40℃
- Analog flow-meter for Premixed gas use (5% CO2 + 95% Air).
- Objective lens heater
- Feedback modes: Quick mode (37℃); Sample Feedback Mode (30~40℃); Manual Mode (30~40℃)
- 4 ports for perfusion or drug delivery
- Support Vessel/Dish Attachments:
- Well plates; 35/50/60 mm petri-dishes; Chambered slides; Chambered cover glass; Slide glass
- Perfusion lid for 35 mm dishes
- Software control via STX-APP

Leica Water Immersion Micro Dispenser
Water objectives allow for aberration free focusing into samples. Moving into the sample will cause no loss of contrast. During screening or mark and find experiments the immersion film can be disrupted. The Water Immersion Micro Dispenser overcomes these problems by adding immersion automatically during a running experiment.
This allows for applications with high resolution water objectives, for example:
- Live-cell experiments at 37°C
- Long-term live-cell experiments
- Screening
- Well plate acquisition
Full software integration (in LASX) for controlled water immersion supply.
High End/Specialty Microscope Objectives
HBIAMP has a variety of high-end and specialty microscope objectives available for hire. Please see staff for rental rates and more details.

Nikon CFI75 Apochromat 25X MP Lens
This lens provides a high numerical aperture of 1.10 while still maintaining a long working distance of 2.0mm. It corrects chromatic aberration up to the near-infrared range and has a ring that corrects chromatic aberrations depending on the depth of the specimen. Together with its 33°manipulator pipette access angle, it is ideal for deep imaging of live specimens using multi-photon excitation and physiology research applications. M32 thread.

Nikon CFI75 LWD 16X W
The CFI75 LWD 16X W is a water-immersion objective lens with low magnification, high NA and long working distance. Because it allows observation from a low magnification wide field to a high magnification, high resolution field with a single objective, the lens is ideal for patch-clamp experiments. With excellent IR transmission, this lens is also suitable for IR-DIC observation and the objective's high NA provides superb image quality in combination with confocal laser microscopes. In addition, the 2mm field of view (magnification 5.6x) and wide 45° approach angle make manipulator control and positioning extremely easy. M32 thread.

Nikon CFI Plan Fluor 20XC MI (Multi-Immersion)
Featuring exceptionally high transmission from the ultra-violet to the infra-red and flatness across the field of view, the CFI Plan Fluor series objective lenses are designed for incredible high contrast fluorescence observation and photomicrography. The performance and quality of Plan Fluor objectives make them a terrific choice as multipurpose objectives for brightfield, fluorescence, polarizing, and DIC observations. 0.75 NA. Working distance of 0.51-0.35 (Oil), 0.51-0.34 (Water), 0.49-0.33 (Glycerin). Observations methods: Brightfield, Darkfield (Dry/Oil), DIC, Polarized, fluorescence (visible light, UV). Correction collar. Coverslips 0 - 0.17mm. M25 thread.

Super long working distance, multiphoton laser scanning, light sheet/selective plane microscope, multi-immersion objective. Adjustable correction collar for adapting to refractive index mismatch. The objective is designed for multiphoton excited fluorescence light observations for use with cleared tissue (cleared and immersed with SeeDB, Clarity (Glycerin displacement), oil etc.). Special IR coating supporting high transmittance up to 1600 nm. 1.0NA, 8mm working distance, correction collar. Observation methods: brightfield, fluorescence, DIC, IR, multiphoton, polarized. M25 thread.

Olympus UPLANAPO 60X 1.20 WI
Water immersion objective for BX and IX series olympus microscopes. Infinity corrected, 60x, 1.20NA, coverslip collar correction for 0.13 to 0.21mm. M25 thread.

Olympus UPLSAPO60XS 60x 1.3NA Silicon Oil
Silicon Oil objective ideal for live cell experiments, particularly those investigating thick samples or requiring long-term imaging. For use in brightfield, differential interference contrast (DIC), fluorescence, confocal laser scanning and multiphoton studies. Working distance 0.3 mm. Collar correction for cover glass: 0.15 - 0.19 mm and temperature: 23 & 37C. For use with Olympus silicon oil only. M25 thread.

Miscellaneous Objectives
Looking for something in particular? Come talk to us to see if we have what you need!