Upcoming Grand Rounds
Department Emergency Medicine Academic Grand Rounds Thursday October 31, 2024
Time: 0900 – 1000 (1.0 Education Credits)
Room: Clara Christie - HSC
Zoom Link: https://albertahealthservices.zoom.us/j/61834756597?pwd=Skg1ZmdXOGdRWmgxMUc0U3lNMjR5Zz09
Meeting ID: 618 3475 6597
Passcode: 407952
Deborah E. Prowse KC, Chair, Mental Health Review Panel (Calgary South)
Sharon Sproule, Vice Chair, Mental Health Review Panel
Title: Nightmare of the Mental Health Act
Description: Deb and Sharon will be providing an overview of the requirements of the Mental Health Act forms and why they are not just “another form to fill out”.
Evaluation Link: DEM Academic Grand Rounds Evaluation