- The trainee is expected to complete 6-8 clinical shifts in the emergency department per month. This expectation may be reduced during times of rigorous course work or when out of town on elective. The University of Calgary FRCPC Emergency Medicine chief resident will schedule emergency department shifts. These shifts will not be self-scheduled.
- The trainee is expected to attend academic sessions hosted by the FRCPC Emergency Medicine program as required and outlined by their home residency program (and as permitted by program responsibilities). This requirement is waved for graduates and staff physicians. Continued academic responsibilities of the home Emergency Medicine program are expected to be completed or deferred to the following year as determined by the home program director.
- The trainee is required to complete 4 hours of academic teaching, including all teaching on EMS & Disaster medicine as outlined by the University of Calgary Emergency Medicine FRCPC program.
- The program is designed with the expectation that it is completed within one academic year. In certain circumstances an extension for academic or independent project completion may be given. All outlined requirements must be completed within a two year period.
*Funding - Visiting residents are funded by their home programs. Provincial limitations on out of province training times and funding should be sought prior to application at the responsibility of the applicant. They are expected to self-fund any course requirements of the training program (likely to cost approximately $3000 CAN/year at minimum). Graduates and staff are expected to be completely self-funded.