Lecture Series

Congenital Anomalies
Pediatric Vascular Disease
Pedatric Trauma
Congenital Spinal Disorders
Peripheral Nerve Anatomy
Suggested readings:
Peripheral Nerve Injury
File attachments:
Peripheral Nerve Entrapments
Suggested readings:
Peripheral Nerve Tumors
File attachments:
Nerve Conduction Studies (EMG/NCS)
File attachments:
- Brain tumor prophylaxis Cochrane 2008.pdf
- CMA fitness to drive.pdf
- Elger Schmidt EB epilepsy management review 2008.pdf
- Epilepsy review Lancet April 2006.pdf
- PTE review 2006.pdf
- Status mgt Hirsh 2008.pdf
- TBI and sz prophylaxis AAN 2003.pdf
- Brain tumour and epilepsy Lancet Neurology 2007.pdf
- FN1 (Addas) Temporal Lobe Anatomy-optim.pdf
- FN2 (PD) Temporal Lobe Epilepsy-optim.pdf
- FN2 Epilepsy Surgery.pdf
- FN3 (RD) Medically Intractable Epilepsy.pdf
- FN5 (MB) Medical Treatment of Epilepsy.pdf
File attachments:
- Guidelines for Management of TGN EurJNeuro 2008.pdf
- Long Term Outcome for MVD in TGN NEJM 1998.pdf
- New Classification of Facial Pain Neurosurgery 2003.pdf
- RadioSx for TGN JNNP 2004.pdf
- Review of Ablative Techniques for TGN Neurosurgery 2004.pdf
- FN1 (PM) Pathophysiology and medical management of pain.pdf
- FN3 (CS) Trigeminal Neuralgia 2008.pdf
- FN3 (PD) Pathophysiology of Pain.pdf
- FN4 (Kiss) Pain Surgery.pdf
- FN5 Trigeminal Neuralgia, Glossopharangeal Neuralgia, and Hemifacial spasm-optim.pdf
Stereotactic Surgery
File attachments:
Movement Disorders
File attachments:
Embryology, Anatomy and Biomechanics
- Spine1 (AA) Anatomy and Biomech of the C Spine.pdf
- Spine2 (MB) Anatomy and Biomech of the TLS Spine.pdf
- Spine3 (SL) Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.pdf
- Spine 1 (du Plessis) Clinical Instability of the Spine.pdf
- Spine 1 (JK) Anatomy of the Spine.pdf
- Spine 5 (FH) Thoracic Spine Anatomy.pdf
- Spine 7 (PD) LSpine Anatomy-optim.pdf
- Spine 13 (MB) Spine Embryology.pdf
- Spine 13 (Myles) Lipomyelomeningocele-optim.pdf
- Spine 17 (FH) Spinal Vascular Anatomy and Pathology.pdf
Spinal Cord Injury
Degenerative Disease
- Spine10 (RD) Degenerative Spine1 Natural Hx, Neck and Back Pain.pdf
- Spine11 (Myles) Degenerative Spine.pdf
- Spine11 (RL) Degenerative Spine2 Radiculopathy and Myelopathy.pdf
- Spine12 (PD) Spondylolisthesis and Spondyloarthropathies.pdf
- Spine 3 (AA) Degenerative disease of the cervical spine.pdf
- Spine 9 (AA) Degenerative Disease of the T&L Spine.pdf
- Spine 11 (RL) Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylysis.pdf
Surgical Approaches
Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Spine
Cysts and Cavitations of the Spinal Cord
Common Ward Emergencies
Intracranial Hypertension
- (None)
Traumatic Mass Lesions
- (None)
Skull Fractures and CSF Fistulas
- (None)
Infections of the Nervous System
- (None)
Introduction to NeuroOncology
Low Grade Gliomas
High Grade Gliomas
- (None)
Tumors of the Cerebellopontine Angle
Neoplasms of the Pituitary and Sella
- (None)
Pineal Region Tumors
Posterior Fossa Tumors and Pediatric Neurooncology
Metastatic Lesions
Radiotherapy and Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Tumors of the Skull and Skull Base
- (None)
Cerebrovascular Physiology
Acute Stroke
Cerebral Venous Ischemia and Infarction
Carotid Vascular Disease
Aneurysms, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Vasospasm
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Vascular Malformations
Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease
Endovascular Neurosurgery
- (None)