Grant Writing Help
There are people and resources available to help you find funding opportunities, help with grant development, and assist with organizing internal peer review.
Working Together to Support Grant Writing
The Department of Pediatrics, Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI) and the Cumming School of Medicine Office of the Associate Dean Research (OADR) work together to support grant development for faculty members. We are here to help!
Request Help
Within the Department of Pediatrics, there are people and resources to help you. We provide support for identifying funding opportunities, developing your grant application, grant administrative processes, and we can connect you to set-up peer review. Complete a research consult request form to get help.
Department of Pediatrics Research Environment
This document summarizes the research support available internally from the Department of Pediatrics. Researchers are encouraged to refer to the document when working on grant or trainee funding applications. If you have any questions about the information included, please email the Research Support Specialist (chugha@ucalgary.ca)
ACHRI Grant Support
ACHRI's Research Support Specialist has experience in medical research, laboratory management, grant funding and research project management. She can provide help in the areas of research administration processes and grant applications.
OADR Grant Development Office
To assist researchers with pre and post award for investigator initiated external research funding, the Office of the Associate Dean Research (OADR) has an office devoted to Grant Development and Research Facilitation. This team provides support for external funding agency applications.
Internal Peer Review
The site provides the resources required to arrange an internal review of pending grant submissions to increase your success at obtaining grant support. You'll also find a range of resources and links that will help with your grant development and writing.
Final Report Examples
Several research groups in the Department of Pediatrics have generously shared final reports that have been submitted to funding agencies. You may view these reports to help inform the completion of your project reports. Please note that reporting requirements change frequently and the examples below should not be used as templates for current reporting requirements.