Developmental Pediatrics
Developmental Pediatrics, as defined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, is the branch of medicine that focuses on developmental trajectories of children with congenital or acquired disorders and/or individual variations in physical, motor, cognitive, sensory and social-emotional development.
- Pediatric Residents are scheduled to do one period of 4 weeks of Developmental Pediatrics as part of their first postgraduate (PGY-2) year training. This is arranged through the General Pediatric Post Graduate Program.
- The rotation is comprised of outpatient clinics involving children with various developmental presentations (e.g. high-risk neonates in the Neonatal Follow-up Clinic, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy). During and in your rotation you will be in clinics with Developmental Pediatricians, Pediatric Neurologists, and Neonatologists who specialize in neurodevelopmental follow-up. You will also be expected to present a critical review of a journal article during your rotation. Numerous reading articles will complement the developmental pediatric experience.
- Additional electives are organized jointly by the General Pediatric Post Graduate Program and the person in charge of their Developmental Rotation.
- We try our best to accept residents from other centres and programs. Each submission will be accepted based on opportunity to offer an acceptable and useful 4-week rotation. Contact the Program Administrator, Jolene Haddad at jolene.haddad@ahs.ca with your request and provide the following:
- Name
- year of training
- location of your current pediatric postgraduate program
- elective dates (and alternates)
- reason for requesting to do electives at our centre
The Section of Developmental Pediatrics offers a number of educational opportunities for medical students including:
- Shadowing opportunities for junior medical students (pre-clerkship electives)
- Clerkship electives
- Clinical Core (contact physicians directly)
Details regarding each of these educational experiences are outlined below. Please contact the program administrator, Jolene Haddad at jolene.haddad@ahs.ca to enquire regarding availability for pre-clerkship and clerkship electives. For Clinical Core sessions, please contact physicians directly through their email.
Clinical Core Session
- Please contact physicians directly to arrange details of a potential session.
- Email should include the following:
- Dates and times in which you are interested.
- Note that many doctors only have clinics on certain half-days of the week. Therefore, a clinical core session may not be feasible if the desired dates and time do not coincide with that clinician’s clinics.
U of C Clerkship Electives
- Please go on to OSLER and locate the elective catalogue for a description of the program and Instructions on how to proceed. Please contact elective@ucalgary.ca with any other questions you may have.
- Please email the Program Administrator to request the elective
Non U of C Clerkship Electives
Please review all of the criteria and guidelines for the University of Calgary described on the following link: http://www.ucalgary.ca/mdprogram/
Currently we are not accepting clerkship electives outside of the University of Calgary.
Research Opportunities
- Many of us have research experience and mentorship skills for research projects.
- If interested: Include your CV, areas of research interest (if any) and any research experience that you have had in an email request to Dr. MacLellan or make an appointment through her administrative assistant Barbara Willett at barbara.willett@albertahealthservices.ca or (403) 955-7515.
- The Subspecialty Resident Program in Developmental Pediatrics is fully accredited with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It is a two-year post-graduate program located primarily at the Child Development Centre, which is across the street from the Alberta Children’s Hospital and University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine. Neuromotor Clinics are located within Clinical Neurosciences at the Alberta Children's Hospital. Other specialized clinical experience also occur at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, ambulatory child mental health settings, and outreach clinics to both urban school programs and formalized rural outreach clinics. We are presently accepting one resident into the program per year. For more information, please visit the CaRMS website www.carms.ca for a full description and relevant deadlines
- International Applicants for Subspecialty Training: Please contact the PGME office for further information required to apply to Developmental Pediatrics: https://cumming.ucalgary.ca/pgme/future-trainees
- Residents currently enrolled in Canadian training programs for Developmental Pediatrics are welcome to apply for clinical or research electives with our division. Please reach out to the Program Administrator, Jolene Haddad, at jolene.haddad@ahs.ca
- Autism Task Force (3 statements)
- Developmental Pediatric Section (2 statements)
- Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Committee (ADHD 3 statements, Anxiety 2 statements)
Dr. Kathryn MacLellan
Program Director
Jolene Haddad
Program Administrator