Infectious Diseases
The Pediatric Infectious Diseases service provides expertise in a broad range of infectious conditions to the children of southern Alberta and neighboring Saskatchewan and British Columbia. The Pediatric Infectious Diseases section is comprised of 8 infectious diseases specialists and is supported by a team of allied health professionals, including nursing, pharmacy and social work. This group is involved in the education of trainees at all levels. This includes a Royal College accredited Pediatric Infectious Diseases Residency Training Program that is supported by the team. As well, there is an Antimicrobial Stewardship certificate program.
U of C Residents – How do I arrange additional opportunities with your section?
To arrange an elective with us please contact the Program Administrator, Ms. Kathleen Smith directly to see if there is availability for the time you request at kathleen.smith2@ahs.ca.
Non U of C Resident – How do I arrange an elective with you?
Please contact the Program Administrator, Ms. Kathleen Smith directly to see if there is availability for the time you request at kathleen.smith2@ahs.ca. This should be done at least 4 to 6 months prior to the elective
Also please be sure to review this link: https://www.afmcstudentportal.ca/ .
If you are accepted you will be required to complete the following in a timely manner in order hold the elective:
- PGME Registration
- A Letter of support from your Program Director
Please send these directly to Ms. Kathleen Smith – kathleen.smith2@ahs.ca
Once this is received the PGME office at the University of Calgary will start to process the paperwork.
The following is the PGME contact for processing pre-arranged electives:
Electives Coordinator: pgmeelec@ucalgary.ca
Once approved you will receive instructions regarding Orientation, Teaching/Rounds and Shift
Schedule prior to commencing your elective.
Instructions on where to go/what to do when I arrive?
Information/instructions are emailed to the resident before the start of their rotation.
Shadowing opportunities for junior medical students
Please contact the physician directly through Alberta Health Services email
Med 440 Electives
- Please contact physicians directly to arrange details of a potential elective.
- Email should include the following:
- Dates and times in which you are interested.
- Note that many doctors only have clinics on certain half-days of the week. Therefore, a 440 elective may not be feasible if the desired dates and time do not coincide with that clinician’s clinics.
Contact Education Administrator with confirmation of preceptor agreement as soon as possible. Education Administrator will assist student in fulfilling any hospital- based requirements prior to elective. See Resources for Education Contacts
Clinical Clerks
Link to Undergraduate Medical Education
U of C Clerkship Electives
Please go on to OSLER and locate the elective catalogue for a description of the program and Instructions on how to proceed. Please contact elective@ucalgary.ca with any other questions you may have.
You may then contact the appropriate Education Contact (see Resources)
Non U of C Clerkship Electives
Please review all of the criteria and guidelines for the University of Calgary described on the following link: https://www.afmcstudentportal.ca/
If you meet the criteria, you may then contact the appropriate Education Contact (see Resources)
Once accepted you will need to proceed with the paperwork as described on the website listed above.
Research Opportunities
Potential research trainees can contact physicians in the section directly to discuss opportunities.
Canadian Fellows – Description of Program
Please visit the CaRMS website for more information: https://www.carms.ca/
Program Highlights
The Pediatric Infectious Diseases residency training program at the University of Calgary is a program that we feel has exceptional flexibility, resident support, and opportunity for mentorship and career development. Located at the Alberta Children's Hospital, this program provides an outstanding environment in which to obtain the knowledge and skills in your chosen field of study.
Our program is closely integrated with the Adult Infectious Diseases training program, which provides synergy and additional learning opportunities. We have developed an academic half-day curriculum that is thorough, resident-driven, and seamlessly integrated with the medical microbiology laboratory.
The program has a strong record of resident success with subspecialty examinations, and our trainees have distinguished themselves in diverse careers including clinical medicine, education, academic medicine, research, and global health.
Program Curriculum
The program adheres closely to the rotation requirements dictated by the Royal College for training in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, while maintaining a high degree of flexibility, especially as it pertains to elective opportunities, both locally and abroad.
Residents in Pediatric Infectious Diseases attend a regular, protected academic half-day based on a comprehensive two-year Infectious Diseases curriculum that is resident driven, preceptor facilitated, and integrated with microbiology teaching. Informal, optional teaching sessions are offered to the residents in conjunction with the adult training program. Residents are required to participate in the University of Calgary PGME seminar series addressing CanMEDS competencies.
Residents regularly attend and participate in a weekly divisional seminar series, clinical case rounds, and critical appraisal activities. Educational opportunities arising from our close collaboration with the Adult Infectious Diseases training program are also available.
The program requires and supports attendance at several comprehensive courses (infection control, biostatistics, board review course and ID updates) and encourages presentation of original research at national and international meetings.
Research rotations are integrated so that the resident can be supervised and mentored by a member of the faculty in either the Adult or Pediatric streams, while encouraging the participation of basic science members of the faculty for collaborative laboratory-based aspects of research. Advanced coursework in Immunology and Medical Microbiology is available to trainees through the University of Calgary. Opportunities for an integrated Master's program in one of several fields of study, usually in the faculty of community health sciences, are also available.
Antimicrobial Stewardship
A third year of additional training in Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship is available to interested trainees. This unique training aims to prepare the resident to lead a comprehensive program in Antimicrobial Stewardship.
Trainees are expected to engage in quality improvement and research initiatives related to the field of Antimicrobial Stewardship. In addition, they participate in clinical rotations on the Pediatric and Adult Antimicrobial Stewardship services at Calgary hospitals.
Trainees are supported to submit relevant abstracts for presentation at conferences and prepare manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals based on their work. The program is recognized by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office at the University of Calgary and a certificate is provided upon completion of the fellowship program.
International Fellows – Arranging a fellowship with us
All enquires must first be directed to: imgapps@ucalgary.ca. Please do not contact the program directly until your application has been reviewed by this office.
International Fellows – Are you currently accepting international fellows?
Each academic year our physician resources are reviewed. You will be informed by either your sponsor or the International Medical Graduate office at the University of Calgary if positions are available.
Externally sponsored fellows must first review their eligibility by reviewing the following link:
Useful Resources
The Bugs
Infectious Diseases Rotation
Back to Basics: Antibiotics: Mechanisms of Action
Antibacterial Agents in Pediatrics
Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole
Once Daily Intravenous Cefazolin
Practical Aspects of Choosing an Antibiotic
Antiretroviral Agents Used for the Treatment of Pediatric Treatment of HIV (1)
Antiretroviral Agents Used for the Treatment of Pediatric Treatment of HIV (2)
Antiretroviral Agents Used for the Treatment of Pediatric Treatment of HIV (3)
Update on Antifungal Therapy
Canadian Pediatric Society Statement Antifungal Agents
Pharmacy Probenecid
The History and Physical Assessments of the Febrile Infant
Viral Encehpalitis: Familiar Infections and Emerging Pathogens
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Bacterial Meningitis
Periorbital Orbial Infections
Cervical Lymphadenopathy and Adenitis
Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children
Current Treatment of Osteomyelitis
Bone and Joint Infections in Children
Urinary Tract Infections in Infants and Children
Alberta Childrens Hospital UTI Consensus Guidelines
Cellulitis Syndromes: An Update
Herpes Simplex Virus
Kawasaki Sydrome
Primary Immunodeficiencies
Primary Care and Primary Immunodeficiencies
Skelaxin Metaxalone: Brief Summary of Prescribing Information
A Chronic Steroid and Immunosuppressant Therapy in Children
The Infectious Diseases Society of America 2002
Guidelines for the Use of Antimicrobial Agents
Management of Fever Neutropenia in the Oncology and BMT Patient Final: May 2003
Evaluation and Treatment of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-Exposed Infant
Guidelines for the Management of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections
Summary of Routine Immunization Schedule in Alberta
Routine Immunization Schedule
Publicly Funded Immunization Programs in Canada
How to Manage Parents Unsure about Immunization
Infection Control Resources
Taj Jadavji
Program Director
Kathleen Smith
Program Administrator