Welcome to the Section of Pediatric Neurology. All levels of learners rotate through our service including medical students, pediatric and adult neurology residents, general pediatrics residents, and subspecialty fellows. Our breadth of clinical services provide educational opportunities in inpatient and emergency consultations, neurocritical care (pediatric and neonatal), brain injury, epilepsy, developmental disorders, stroke, neurodegenerative conditions, cerebral palsy, headache, movement disorders, sleep medicine, and neuromuscular diseases.
Residents from a number of programs other than pediatric neurology rotate through our service. Requirements are program-specific. A mixture of inpatient and outpatient neurology exposure is provided. Residents also join the pediatric neurology subspecialty call schedule during their rotation.
Shadowing opportunities for junior medical students
Please contact the physician directly through Alberta Health Services email
Med 440 Electives
- Please contact physicians directly to arrange details of a potential elective.
- Email should include the following:
- Dates and times in which you are interested.
- Note that many doctors only have clinics on certain half-days of the week. Therefore, a 440 elective may not be feasible if the desired dates and time do not coincide with that clinician’s clinics.
- Contact Education Administrator with confirmation of preceptor agreement as soon as possible. Education Administrator will assist student in fulfilling any hospital- based requirements prior to elective. See Resources for Education Contacts
Clinical Clerks
U of C Clerkship Electives
- Please go on to OSLER and locate the elective catalogue for a description of the program and Instructions on how to proceed. Please contact elective@ucalgary.ca with any other questions you may have.
- You may then contact the appropriate Education Contact (see Resources)
Non U of C Clerkship Electives
Please review all of the criteria and guidelines for the University of Calgary described on the following link: http://www.ucalgary.ca/mdprogram/visiting/
If you meet the criteria, you may then contact the appropriate Education Contact (see Resources)
Once accepted you will need to proceed with the paperwork as described on the website listed above.
Research Opportunities
The section of Pediatric Neurology is involved in a broad range of research activities. We encourage interested students to contact individual faculty for further information.
For information about the core neurology program please go to the CARMS website here
Dr. Colleen Curtis
Program Director
E: Colleen.curtis@ahs.ca
Dr. JP Appendino
Pediatric Neurology Clerkship
E: JP.Appendino@ahs.ca
Amber Sando
Program Administrator
E: amber.sando@ahs.ca