Hospital Pediatrics

Pediatric Hospital Medicine

This fellowship combines clinical, academic and individualized training and mentorship to support fellows in developing competencies in clinical care, quality improvement, medical education, advocacy, research and leadership in the field of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM).

Purpose: To provide a state-of-the-art sub-specialty training program that will prepare physicians to deliver competent, evidence-based care to acute and complex hospitalized children. This fellowship combines clinical, academic and individualized training and mentorship to support fellows in developing competencies in clinical care, quality improvement, medical education, advocacy, research and leadership in the field of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM).

Duration: 1 year

Curriculum: 12 months: 4 core clinical, 4 core academic and 4 individualized blocks. 1-month vacation.

Certification: Post-Graduate Fellowship Certificate in Pediatric Hospital Medicine, University of Calgary.

Applicants should either be currently registered in a Canadian General Pediatric Residency Program or have already received their RCPSC Certification. Applicants must also be Canadian citizens. Applicants are required to meet the pre-requisites listed below or demonstrate equivalency.

Applicants must be planning to complete (or have already completed) four elective blocks (each 4 weeks) as follows: Complex Care, PHM Research, PHM Clinical Transitions and PHM Leadership. The first 2 blocks may be achieved at the resident’s home institution with an approved faculty mentor and topic (Research). The latter 2 blocks will be facilitated at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in conjunction with the Section of Hospital Pediatrics.

PHM Fellows receive a PGY5 salary plus significant additional support to pursue electives and research. PHM Fellows interested in embarking on formal academic training (ie: a Master’s degree or equivalent) are eligible to apply for a 2nd year of funding. The 2nd year is not a requirement but rather an option for those interested in pursuing this path.

If you are interested in applying to the University of Calgary PHM Fellowship program or if you have questions about the fellowship, please contact Dr. Suzette Cooke, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program Director at: