Surgical Foundations | Teacher Training Retreat
Teacher Training Retreat
Next Retreat: February 23-24, 2023
The ‘apprenticeship’ model has been the core of medical education for many years, and this model remains especially relevant to the surgical specialties. Much of the day-to-day medical education carried out in large teaching hospitals is performed by the resident staff on the wards, clinics, and the OR. It has been estimated that residents spend up to 20% of their time on teaching activities. This group of physicians in training makes a major contribution to undergraduate education, providing information to students on common medical conditions, modelling ideal professional behaviour, and promoting career choices.
The Teacher Training Retreat for Surgical Foundations' residents in their PGY-1 year was developed to meet the perceived needs of residents and to influence the attitudes of residents teaching in our local context and setting. Over two days, learners are involved in interactive small group exercises that focus on unique teaching and learning experiences designed to focus on the context of teaching as a surgical resident (bedside teaching, teaching and learning in the operating room, managing learning in a surgical team). This event is organized in conjunction with the University of Alberta Surgical Foundations Program.
The retreat is mandatory. All residents must attend in their first year unless there are extenuating circumstances, which will need to be communicated to the Surgical Foundations Program Director and Program Coordinator in advance. Residents who have their vacation block during the retreat will be given the option to attend and take three additional days off in lieu on their home service or attend in their PGY-2 year. Whichever option is chosen, residents must communicate their decision to the Surgical Foundations Program Coordinator at least 90 days in advance of the retreat date.
Accommodations are paid for by the Departments of Surgery and OBGYN and are shared with a fellow resident of the same gender.
Breakfast, lunch, and refreshment breaks are provided. Residents are responsible for dinners and any additional snacks.
Residents must locate their own transportation and are encouraged to car pool.