General Surgery | Research
Many of our surgeons are active researchers. Research is an essential part of medicine, and it is through research that medical knowledge is advanced and patient treatment and care improved.
There are several different types of research projects that our surgeons conduct. The main types are:
- Retrospective Studies: These studies look at previous patients to answer questions, usually about a particular treatment or disease.
- Prospective Studies: Also called Prospective Cohort Studies, these studies actively follow patients during their treatment or illness.
- Interventional Studies: These are usually clinical trials where the effects or safety of a particular treatment or medical strategy are tested.
You may be asked to take part in a research project or clinical trial during your care. If you are, you will be given information on the study and have an opportunity to ask questions. You will also be asked to consent to participate in the project by signing an informed consent form. The consent form will include information such as:
- Who is eligible to participate
- Any risks and/or benefits associated with the study
- Your requirements (anything you must do to be included in the study)
- Information about the study and why it's being conducted
It is always your choice whether you take part in a research project, and you may withdraw your participation at any time.
Research Director
Dr. Paul McBeth
South Health Campus