Evaluation Form - 42nd Annual Surgeons' Day

Day and Time: June 21, 2024, 0800 hours – 1600 hours


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3. Was the overall program balanced and free from any commercial or inappropriate bias?


Presenter 1

1. Faculty Presentations:

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2. McMurtry Lecturer:
Presenter: Dr. Khara Saura
Title: Making lemonade: Using evidence from the COVID-19 era to inform surgical care in its wake

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3. Resident Rapid Fire Talks
Please rate your level of agreement with the statements below, on a scale of 1 - Strongly disagree to 10 - Strongly agree

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4. Resident Research Showcase

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5. McPhedran Lecture
Presenter: Dr. Adam Kinnaird

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6. Sharpest Knife Live Grant Competition.

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