Orthopaedic Surgery | Research | Resident Research

Resident & Fellow Research Director
Dr. Prism Schneider
Resident & Fellow Research
Resident Research
The overall goals of the resident research program are to ensure that upon completion of the orthopaedic residency program, our graduates will demonstrate:
- The ability to effectively engage with new scientific literature.
- A practical understanding of how to navigate the process of scientific inquiry.
- The ability to apply the research skills learned during residency to the critical assessment of personal outcomes, local QI/QA projects, and participation in formal faculty research projects if desired.
Residents are involved with a variety of research projects, including basic science projects, database studies, clinical outcomes research, and knowledge synthesis projects. Specific opportunities can be discussed with individual faculty members or through contact of the Research Lead for the subspecialty area of interest. In addition to individual faculty mentorship on research projects, a more formal circuit of workshops and other learning activities are scheduled during the academic year on topics in research methods, dissemination, and scientific communication.
For more information, please email acortho@ucalgary.ca