Plastic Surgery | Education | UME
Undergraduate Medical Education
Clerkship Elective
The Section of Plastic Surgery invites medical students in their clerkship year to do a plastic surgery elective at the University of Calgary. A two-week elective typically sees the clerk working with the plastic surgery team of consultant surgeons and residents at one of the University of Calgary teaching hospitals: Foothills Medical Centre, Peter Lougheed Centre, Rockyview General Hospital, South Health Campus or Alberta Children’s Hospital.
The clerk will gain experience in patient assessment and management in the hospital setting, including the main operating rooms, emergency room, minor surgery clinic, and out-patient clinics. Participation in an on-call schedule is expected and will be scheduled with the preceptor and resident upon arrival for the elective.
Upon completion of this elective, the clerk should understand the basic principles of:
- Patient management in the areas of wound healing and wound closure following the principles of the reconstructive ladder
- Burn management
- Hand anatomy and common hand problems
- Facial anatomy, including the cranial nerve exam and evaluation of facial trauma.
Medical students wishing to arrange a clerkship elective in Plastic Surgery at the University of Calgary should contact the Surgical Clerkship Office for information.
Additional information can be found on the AFMC Student Portal.